Log In

How to customize the Login window and the logo

The default Login window can be changed and a different logo can be set.
The parameter involved is the following:

"pathLogo": "",

Supposing to have a company_logo.png file, edit the parameter as in the following example:

"pathLogo": "/static/config/images/company_logo.png",

Logos are supported in these formats: .png, .svg and .jpg.

You can also edit the strings appearing in the Login window going to the “labels” section:

"labels": {
        "title": {"en":"Welcome!"},
        "subTitle": {"en":"Nice to see you again."}

The error appearing in the Login window when the Username or the Password are incorrect can be configured in the “errors” section:

"errors": {
        "401": {
          "en": "This username and password combination is wrong.",
          "it": "Combinazione nome utente e password sbagliata."

Use the "pathHeaderLogo" parameter to change the icon appearing at the top left-hand corner of the File Manager screen.
Supposing to have a company_logo.svg file, edit the parameter as in the following example:

"pathHeaderLogo": "/static/config/images/company_logo.svg",

Images are stored in the images directory at this path:
