Node Properties panel

To show the Node Properties panel, click a specific node in the board. The panel will show the details of a node that is part of a Model.

This panel has 2 separate sections, which can be accessed clicking these icons: and .

Click the icon to access the Node Details panel and set:

  • Business Name: name assigned to the Model.

  • One of the following options:

    • CEMAN Name for Data One nodes
    • Queue Manager Name for SPAZIO nodes
    • Connect:Direct Server for Connect:Direct nodes
    • FTP Server for FTP nodes
    • FTPS Server for FTPS nodes
    • SFTP Server for SFTP nodes
    • Generic MFT Server for MFT Server nodes
    • Generic FT Server for FT Server nodes
    • Name for Unknown nodes
  • Node Type: it is assigned automatically by Data One and cannot be modified.

Click the icon to access the Node Cut-off list panel where you can:

  • see the cut-offs associated with the selected node.
  • add a node cut-off, clicking on the NEW button.

To know more about Cut-offs and how to set them, head over the Setting Cut-offs page.


Node cut-offs cannot be defined on UNKNOWN type nodes.