Record Functions (Dynamic Field Access)
These functions are to be found in the Functions tab, section Dynamic field access library inside the Transform Editor.
integer compare( record record1, integer fieldIndex1, record record2, integer fieldIndex2 );
integer compare( record record1, string fieldName1, record record2, string fieldName2 );
The compare()
function compares two fields of given records.
The fields are identified by their index (integer - 0 is the first field) or name (string). The function returns an integer value which is either:
- < 0 …
is greater thanfield1
- > 0 …
is lower thanfield1
- 0 … fields are equal
If one of the given record has a null
reference, the function fails with an error.
If one of the given record fields is of type list, map
or variant
, the function fails with an error.
Example 281. Usage of compare
$out.0.field1 = $in.0.field1 + 1;
$out.0.field2 = $in.0.field1;
$out.0.field3 = $in.0.field1 - 1;
$out.0.field5 = compare($in.0, 0, $out.0, 0); // returns -1
$out.0.field6 = compare($in.0, 0, $out.0, 1); // returns 0
$out.0.field7 = compare($in.0, 0, $out.0, 2); // returns 1
$out.0.field8 = compare($in.0, "field1", $out.0, "field1"); // returns -1
$out.0.field9 = compare($in.0, "field1", $out.0, "field2"); // returns 0
$out.0.field10 = compare($in.0, "field1", $out.0, "field3"); // returns 1
void copyByName( record to, record from );
The copyByName()
function copies data from the input record to the output record based on field names. Enables mapping of equally named fields only.
If a record specified as a first argument has a null
reference, the function fails with an error.
Example 282. Usage of copyByName
There are two records. The input record has fields city, countryCode
and phone
. The output record has fields countryCode, phone
and email
The function copyByName($out.0, $in.0)
copies fields countryCode
and phone
See also: copyByPosition
void copyByPosition( record to, record from );
The copyByPosition()
function copies data from the input record to the output record based on fields order. The number of fields in output metadata decides which input fields (beginning the first one) are mapped.
If a record specified as a first argument has a null
reference, the function fails with an error.
Example 283. Usage of copyByPosition
There are two records. The input record has fields field1, field2
and field3
. The output record has fields firstField
and lastField
. The function copyByPosition($out.0, $in.0)
copies value from field1
to firstField
and from field2
to lastField
See also: copyByName
boolean getBoolValue( record record, integer fieldIndex );
boolean getBoolValue( record record, string fieldName );
The getBoolValue()
function returns the value of a boolean field. The field is identified by its index (integer) or name (string).
If a given record has a null
reference, the function fails with an error. If the accessed field of record has a different data type and is not a variant data type, the function fails with an error.
Example 284. Usage of getBoolValue
There is a record with with fields field1, field2
and field3
and values [true, false, true]
The function getBoolValue($in.0, 1)
returns false
as second field of record is set to false
The function getBoolValue($in.0, "field1")
returns true
See also: getByteValue, getDateValue, getDecimalValue, getIntValue, getLongValue, getNumValue, getStringValue, getValueAsString, setBoolValue
byte getByteValue( record record, integer fieldIndex );
byte getByteValue( record record, string fieldName );
The getByteValue()
function returns the value of a byte field. The field is identified by its index (integer) or name (string).
If a given record has a null
reference, the function fails with an error. If the accessed field of record has a different data type and is not a variant data type, the function fails with an error.
Example 285. Usage of getByteValue
There is a record with fields field1,field2
and field3
containing values oak, larch
and pine
The function getByteValue($in.0, 0)
returns oak
The function getByteValue($in.0, 1)
returns larch
The function getByteValue($in.0, "field3")
returns pine
See also: getBoolValue, getDateValue, getDecimalValue, getIntValue, getLongValue, getNumValue, getStringValue, getValueAsString, setByteValue
date getDateValue( record record, integer fieldIndex );
date getDateValue( record record, string fieldName );
The getDateValue()
function returns the value of a date field. The field is identified by its index (integer) or name (string).
If a given record has a null
reference, the function fails with an error. If the accessed field of record has a different data type and is not a variant data type, the function fails with an error.
Example 286. Usage of getDateValue
There is a record having fields date1, date2, date3
and date4
with values 2010-10-10, 2011-11-11, 2012-12-12
and null
The function getDateValue($in.0, 0)
returns 2010-10-10
The function getDateValue($in.0, 3)
returns null
The function getDateValue($in.0, 8)
fails with an error.
The function getByteValue($in.0, "field3")
returns 2012-12-12
The function getByteValue($in.0, "field9")
fails with an error. Field field9
is not present in the record.
See also: getBoolValue, getByteValue, getDecimalValue, , getIntValue, getLongValue, getNumValue, getStringValue, getValueAsString, setDateValue
decimal getDecimalValue( record record, integer fieldIndex );
decimal getDecimalValue( record record, string fieldName );
The getDecimalValue()
function returns the value of a decimal field. The field is identified by its index (integer) or name (string).
If a given record has a null
reference, the function fails with an error. If the accessed field of record has a different data type and is not a variant data type, the function fails with an error.
Example 287. Usage of DecimalValue
There is a record having fields field1, field2
and field3
with values 1.01D, 20.52D
and 100.75D
The function getDecimalValue($in.0, 0)
returns 1.01
The function getDecimalValue($in.0, "field3")
returns 100.75
See also: getBoolValue, getByteValue, getDateValue, getIntValue, getLongValue, getNumValue, getStringValue, getValueAsString, setDecimalValue
integer getFieldIndex( record record, string field );
The getFieldIndex()
function returns the index (zero-based) of a field which is identified by its name. If the field name is not found in the record, the function returns -1.
If a given record has a null
reference, the function fails with an error.
Example 288. Usage of getFieldIndex
There is a record having fields field1
, field2
and field3
The function getFieldIndex($in.0, "field1")
returns 0
The function getFieldIndex($in.0, "field123")
returns -1
See also: getFieldLabel, getFieldName, getFieldType
string getFieldLabel( record record, integer field );
The getFieldLabel()
function returns the label of a field which is identified by its index. Please note a label is not a field’s name, see Field Name vs. Label vs. Description.
If a given record has a null
reference, the function fails with an error.
Example 289. Usage of getFieldLabel
There is a record having fields field1
and field2
with field labels The first field
and The second field
The function getFieldLabel($in.0, "field1")
returns The first field
The function getFieldLabel($in.0, "field41")
fails with an error.
See also: getFieldIndex, getFieldName, getFieldType
string getFieldName( record argRecord, integer index );
The getFieldName()
function returns the name of the field with the specified index. Fields are numbered starting from 0.
The argRecord may have any of the following forms:- $<port number>.*
E.g. $in.0.*
- $<metadata name>.*
E.g. $customers.*
- <record variable name>[.*]
E.g. Customers or Customers.* (both cases, if Customers was declared as record in CTL.)
- lookup(<lookup table name>).get(<key value>)[.*]
E.g. lookup(Comp).get("JohnSmith") or lookup(Comp).get("JohnSmith").*
- lookup(<lookup table name>).next()[.*]
E.g. lookup(Comp).next() or lookup(Comp).next().*
If a given record has a null
reference, the function fails with an error.
Example 290. Usage of getFieldName
There is a record having fields field1
and field2
The function getFieldName($in.0, 0)
returns field1
The function getFieldName($in.0, 15)
fails with an error.
See also: getFieldIndex, getFieldLabel, getFieldType
map[string,string] getFieldProperties( record argRecord, integer index );
map[string,string] getFieldProperties( record argRecord, string fieldName );
The getFieldProperties() function returns an unmodifiable map of selected properties of the specified data field metadata. Fields are indexed starting from 0.
New properties may be added to the map in future versions.
If a null
reference is passed to any of the arguments, if the field index is out of range or if the record does not contain a field with the specified name, the function fails with an error.
Example 291. Usage of getFieldProperties
Assume there is a record with fields rawValue
of type string
and convertedValue
of type integer
on the first input and first output port.
map[string, string] properties = getFieldProperties($out.0, "convertedValue");
// converts $in.0.rawValue to an integer using format and locale from $out.0.convertedValue
$out.0.convertedValue = str2integer($in.0.rawValue, properties["format"], properties["locale"]);
See also: getRecordProperties
string getFieldType( record argRecord, integer index );
string getFieldType( record argRecord, string fieldName );
The getFieldType()
function returns the type of a field you specify by its index (i.e. field’s number starting from 0) or name. The returned string is the name of the type (string, integer,
…), see Data Types in Metadata. Example code:
string dataType = getFieldType($in.0, 2);
will return the data type of the third field for each incoming record (e.g. decimal
Records as arguments look like the records for the getFieldName()
function. See above.
If a given record has a null
reference, the function fails with an error.
Example 292. Usage of getFieldType
There is a record having first field of data type string
. The function getFieldType($in.0, 0)
returns string
See also: getFieldIndex, getFieldLabel, getFieldName
integer getIntValue( record record, integer index );
integer getIntValue( record record, string field );
The getIntValue()
function returns the value of an integer field. The field is identified by its index (integer) or name (string).
If a given record has a null
reference, the function fails with an error. If the accessed field of record has a different data type and is not a variant data type, the function fails with an error.
Example 293. Usage of getIntValue
There is a record having integer fields field1
and field2
with values 25
and 22
The function getIntValue($in.0, 1)
returns 22
The function getIntValue($in.0, "field1")
returns 25
See also: getBoolValue, getByteValue, getDateValue, getDecimalValue, getLongValue, getNumValue, getStringValue, getValueAsString, setIntValue
long getLongValue( record record, integer index );
long getLongValue( record record, string field );
The getLongValue()
function returns the value of a long field. The field is identified by its index (integer) or name (string).
If a given record has a null
reference, the function fails with an error. If the accessed field of record has a different data type and is not a variant data type, the function fails with an error.
Example 294. Usage of getLongValue
There is a record having fields field1
and field2
with values 443L
and 509L
The function getLongValue($in.0, 1)
returns 509
The function getLongValue($in.0, "field1")
returns 443
See also: getBoolValue, getByteValue, getDateValue, getDecimalValue, getIntValue, getNumValue, getStringValue, getValueAsString, setLongValue
number getNumValue( record record, integer index );
number getNumValue( record record, string field );
The getNumValue()
function returns the value of a number field. The field is identified by its index (integer) or name (string).
If a given record has a null
reference, the function fails with an error. If the accessed field of record has a different data type and is not a variant data type, the function fails with an error.
Example 295. Usage of getNumValue
There is a record having fields field1
and field2
with values 1.41
and 1.7
The function getNumValue($in.0, 0)
returns 1.41
The function getNumValue($in.0, "field2")
returns 1.7
See also: getBoolValue, getByteValue, getDateValue, getDecimalValue, getIntValue, getLongValue, getStringValue, getValueAsString, setNumValue
map[string,string] getRecordProperties( record argRecord );
The getRecordProperties()
function returns an unmodifiable map of selected properties of the specified record metadata.
New properties may be added to the map in future versions.
If a null
reference is passed as the argument, the function fails with an error.
Example 296. Usage of getRecordProperties
Assume there is a record with fields rawValue
of type string
on the first input and first output port.
map[string, string] properties = getRecordProperties($out.0);
// converts $in.0.rawValue to a date using locale and time zone from $out.0
date convertedValue = str2date($in.0.rawValue, properties["locale"], properties["timeZone"]);
See also: getFieldProperties
string getStringValue( record record, integer index );
string getStringValue( record record, string field );
The getStringValue()
function returns the value of a string field. The field is identified by its index (integer) or name (string).
If a given record has a null
reference, the function fails with an error. If the accessed field of record has a different data type and is not a variant data type, the function fails with an error.
Example 297. Usage of getStringValue
There is a record having fields field1
and field2
with values orange
and yellow
The function getStringValue($in.0, 0)
returns orange
The function getStringValue($in.0, "field2")
returns yellow
See also: getBoolValue, getByteValue, getDateValue, getDecimalValue, getIntValue, getLongValue, getNumValue, getValueAsString, setStringValue
variant getValue( record record, integer index );
variant getValue( record record, string field );
Returns the value of the selected field. The field is identified by its zero-based index (integer) or name (string).
The actual type of the returned value depends on the type of the data field, there is no automatic conversion.
If the record is null
, the function fails with an error.
Example 298. Usage of getValue
// assumes that the first input port $in.0 has two fields, "field1" and "field2":
variant myVariant1 = getValue($in.0, "field1");
// returns the value of $in.0.field1
variant myVariant2 = getValue($in.0, 1);
// returns the value of the 2nd field of $in.0
integer myInt = cast(getValue($in.0, 1), integer);
// casts the returned value to an integer
See also: setValue, getBoolValue, getByteValue, getDateValue, getDecimalValue, getIntValue, getLongValue, getNumValue, getStringValue, getValueAsString,
string getValueAsString( record record, integer index );
string getValueAsString( record record, string field );
The getValueAsString()
function returns the value of a field (no matter its type) as a common string. The field is identified by its index (integer) or name (string).
If a given record has a null
reference, the function fails with an error.
Example 299. Usage of getValueAsString
There is a record having fields field1
and field2
of boolean
data type with values true
and false
The function getValueAsString($in.0, 0)
returns true as string
The function getValueAsString($in.0, "field2")
returns false as string
See also: getBoolValue, getByteValue, getDateValue, getDecimalValue, getIntValue, getLongValue, getNumValue, getStringValue
boolean isNull( record record, integer index );
boolean isNull( record record, string field );
The isNull()
function checks whether a given field is null
. The field is identified by its index (integer) or name (string).
Example 300. Usage of isNull
There is a record having fields field1, field2, field3
and field4
with values true, false
, null
and null
, respectively.
The function isNull($in.0, 0)
returns false
The function isNull($in.0, 2)
returns true
The function isNull($in.0, "field2")
returns false
The function isNull($in.0, "field4")
returns true
See also: isEmpty(container), isnull
integer length( );
The length()
function returns the number of fields of a record the function is called on.
For a record with null
reference, the function returns 0.
Example 301. Usage of length
There is an input record having 14 fields. The function length($in.0)
returns 14
See also: String functions: length(string), Container functions: length(container)
void resetRecord( record record );
The function resetRecord()
resets fields of the record to default values.
Example 302. Usage of resetRecord
The output record in the example will contain field field3
set to 3
. The field field2
will contain null
, as the field is reset to the default value.
$out.0.field2 = 2;
$out.0.field3 = 3;
See also: length(record)
voidsetBoolValue( record record, integer index, boolean value );
voidsetBoolValue( record record, string field, boolean value );
The setBoolValue()
function sets a boolean
value to a field. The field is identified by its index (integer) or name (string).
If a given record has a null
reference, the function fails with an error. If the accessed field of the record has a different data type and is not a variant data type, the function fails with an error.
Example 303. Usage of setBoolValue
There is a record of booleans having fields field1
and field2
The function setBoolValue($out.0, 0, true)
sets the first field of an output record to true
The function setBoolValue($out.0, "field2", false)
sets field field2
of an output record to false
The function setBoolValue($out.0, "field3456")
fails with an error. The field field3456
does not exist.
See also: getBoolValue, setByteValue, setDateValue, setDecimalValue, setIntValue, setLongValue, setNumValue, setStringValue
void setByteValue( record record, integer index, byte value );
void setByteValue( record record, string field, byte value );
The setByteValue()
function sets a byte
value to a field. The field is identified by its index (integer) or name (string).
If a given record has a null
reference, the function fails with an error. If the accessed field of record has a different data type and is not a variant data type, the function fails with an error.
Example 304. Usage of setByteValue
There is a record of booleans having fields field1
and field2
The function setByteValue($out.0, 0, str2byte("etc", "utf-8"))
sets the first field to byte value of string etc (0x65, 0x74, 0x63)
The function setByteValue($out.0, "field2", str2byte("opt"))
sets the second field to byte value of opt (0x6f, 0x70, 0x74)
See also: getByteValue, hex2byte, setBoolValue, setDateValue, setDecimalValue, setIntValue, setLongValue, setNumValue, setStringValue, str2byte
voidsetDateValue( record record, integer index, date value );
voidsetDateValue( record record, string field, date value );
The setDateValue()
function sets a date
value to a field. The field is identified by its index (integer) or name (string).
If a given record has a null
reference, the function fails with an error. If the accessed field of record has a different data type and is not a variant data type, the function fails with an error.
Example 305. Usage of setDateValue
The function setDateValue($out.0, 0, '2010-10-10')
sets the first field of an output record to 2010-10-10
The function setDateValue($out.0, "field", '2011-11-11')
See also: getDateValue, setBoolValue, setByteValue, setDecimalValue, setIntValue, setLongValue, setNumValue, setStringValue
void setDecimalValue( record record, integer index, decimal value );
void setDecimalValue( record record, string field, decimal value );
The setDecimalValue()
function sets a decimal
value to a field. The field is identified by its index (integer) or name (string).
If a given record has a null
reference, the function fails with an error. If the accessed field of a record has a different data type and is not a variant data type, the function fails with an error.
Example 306. Usage of seDecimalValue
The function setDecimalValue($out.0, 0, 3.14D)
sets the first field of an output record to 3.14
The function setDecimalValue($out.0, "field3", 2.72D)
sets the first field of an output record to 2.72D
See also: getDecimalValue, setBoolValue, setByteValue, setDateValue, setIntValue, setLongValue, setNumValue, setStringValue
void setIntValue( record record, integer index, integer value );
void setIntValue( record record, string field, integer value );
The setIntValue()
function sets an integer
value to a field. The field is identified by its index (integer) or name (string).
If a given record has a null
reference, the function fails with an error. If the accessed field of a record has a different data type and is not a variant data type, the function fails with an error.
Example 307. Usage of setIntValue
The function setIntValue($out.0, 1, 2718)
sets the second field of an output record to 2718
The function setIntValue($out.0, "field1", 1414)
sets the field field1 of an output record to 1414
See also: getIntValue, setBoolValue, setByteValue, setDateValue, setDecimalValue, setLongValue, setNumValue, setStringValue
void setLongValue( record record, integer index, long value );
void setLongValue( record record, string field, long value );
The setLongValue()
function sets a long
value to a field. The field is identified by its index (integer) or name (string).
If a given record has a null
reference, the function fails with an error. If the accessed field of record has a different data type and is not a variant data type, the function fails with an error.
Example 308. Usage of setLongValue
The function setLongValue($out.0, 0, 8080L)
sets the first field of a record to 8080
The function setLongValue($out.0, "field3", 127L)
sets the field field3
of an output record to 127
See also: getLongValue, setBoolValue, setByteValue, setDateValue, setDecimalValue, setIntValue, setNumValue, setStringValue
void setNumValue( record record, integer index, number value );
void setNumValue( record record, string field, number value );
The setNumValue()
function sets a number
value to a field. The field is identified by its index (integer) or name (string).
If a given record has a null
reference, the function fails with an error. If the accessed field of a record has a different data type and is not a variant data type, the function fails with an error.
Example 309. Usage of setNumValue
The function setNumValue($out.0, 2, 2.718)
sets the third field of an output record to 2.718
The function setNumValue($out.0, "field1", 1.732)
sets the field field3
of an output record to 1.732
See also: getNumValue, setBoolValue, setByteValue, setDateValue, setDecimalValue, setIntValue, setLongValue, setStringValue
void setStringValue( record record, integer index, string value );
void setStringValue( record record, string field, string value );
The setStringValue()
function sets a string
value to a field. The field is identified by its index (integer) or name (string).
If a given record has a null
reference, the function fails with an error. If the accessed field of a record has a different data type and is not a variant data type, the function fails with an error.
Example 310. Usage of setStringValue
The function setStringValue($out.0, 1, "chocolate cake")
sets the second field of an output record to chocolate cake
The function setStringValue($out.0, "field1", "donut")
sets the second field donut of an output record to donut
See also: getStringValue, setBoolValue, setByteValue, setDateValue, setDecimalValue, setIntValue, setLongValue, setNumValue
void setValue( record record, integer index, variant value );
void setValue( record record, string field, variant value );
Sets a value to a field. The field is identified by its zero-based index (integer) or name (string).
If the field has an incompatible data type, the function fails with a runtime error.
If the given record is null
, the function fails with an error.
Example 311. Usage of setValue
// assumes that the first output port $out.0 has three fields and one of them is "Name":
$out.0.setValue(5, 90);
// sets field with index 5 of output record $out.0 to 90
$out.0.setValue("Name", "Zac");
// sets the field $out.0.Name to "Zac"
See also: getValue, setBoolValue, setByteValue, setDateValue, setDecimalValue, setIntValue, setLongValue, setNumValue, setStringValue
Updated over 1 year ago