Notification Channels
Notification Channels are used to transform notification events emitted by some instrumented Data One components, into notification messages, for instance email messages.
In Data One, when specific events occur, emails are sent to users according to the settings defined when configuring the system.
Notification events are emitted upon completion or detection of some relevant actions or conditions, such as the expiration of the password or flow cut-offs.
Notification messages are the emails sent to the users involved.
Notification channels are the configurable product entities containing details about the SMTP server to use and message templates to be used for each event type when converting a notification event into an email notification message.
Data One includes a default System Email Notification Channel that needs only a quick finalization of the configuration: the address of the server sending the emails and certificates to be trusted with a secure SMTP protocol.
Capt. Eddie to ground control:"To send emails correctly, two Certificates must be imported in the Trust Store section in Data One from the local disk as detailed in the Trusting Certificates page.
If this action is not taken, emails cannot be sent."
In the Setup → Notification Channels section, you can configure the channels to be used to send notifications to users.
In Data One, notifications can be DATA WATCHER-related, CONTRACT-related, ICAP-related or Central Log-related.
DATA WATCHER-related notifications pertain to notifications for these specific DATA WATCHER events:
- cut-off ended with error
- cut-off warning (when the cut-off is about to expire)
- flow completed successfully
- flow in error
CONTRACT-related notifications pertain to generic actions defined by the user when designing the Contract.
ICAP-related notifications pertain to notifications for these ICAP events:
- AV threat detected
- DLP threat detected
- Server unavailable
- File scan skipped
Central log-related notifications pertain to notifications for log entries with WARNING and ERROR level.
Notification Channel operations can be monitored in detail via Data One → Logs.
Updated 9 months ago