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dataone.sh reference

dataone.sh start / stop / status


  • dataone.sh start <serviceName>
  • dataone.sh stop <serviceName>
  • dataone.sh status <serviceName>


  • serviceName is the name of the service to which the action must be applied
    Possible values: DW, AMQ. IAM, CEMAN, STENG, DMZ, ALL
    Default value: ALL

These dataone.sh verbs can be used to apply start/stop/status actions to all Data One components/services (namely: DW, AMQ. IAM, CEMAN, STENG, DMZ, DS) installed on the node, or just a single one.

If all services are started/stopped, the command selectively acts on them in the correct sequence.

dataone.sh trace


  • dataone.sh trace on <serviceName>tracespec1 [tracespec2 tracespec3...]
  • dataone.sh trace off <serviceName>


  • serviceName is the name of the service to which the action must be applied.
    Possible values: AMQ, CEMAN, STENG, DMZ
  • tracespecX: is the trace specification clause, typically in the form <packagename=levelName>.
    No exhaustive list of allowed values is provided, as a user you will always be instructed by the Primer Contact Center about which specific trace clauses to apply in order to perform a specific problem determination task.


This dataone.sh verb dynamically switches runtime traces on or off; moreover, runtime traces will automatically be switched off upon shutdown as well.