ICAP Macros

List of macros applicable to these events:

  • AV threat detected
  • DLP threat detected
  • Server unavailable
  • File scan skipped
eventTypeName of the event type the email is notifying
dfiidDataflow instance ID of the relevant flow
icapServiceTypeType of the ICAP service
icapServiceNameName of the ICAP service
fileIdFile ID
fileNameFile name
fileSizeBytesSize in bytes of the scanned file
fileVFSPathVFS path the file is associated with
actorActor the file is associated with
icapServerNameName of the ICAP server
icapHostnameRemote ICAP host IP Address or hostname
icapScanOutcomeOutcome of the ICAP scan
icapScanDetailsDetails of the ICAP scan
icapFileDispositionActionWhat action has been disposed on the file. Possible values: ALLOW, DELETE, RETRY