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Creating a Certificate - NEW! 🚀

To create a Certificate, follow these steps:

  1. Click Setup → Key Store → Certificates tab.
  2. In the SELECT CLUSTER drop-down list select a cluster.
  3. Click the REQUEST button and enter the following details:
SELECT KEY (*) Select the name of the key label
SUBJECT Select the attribute subjects of a certificate:

- CN: CommonName
- OU: OrganizationalUnit
- O: Organization
- L: Locality
- S: StateOrProvinceName
- C: CountryName
ALGORITHM (*) Select one of the options:

- SHA256WithRSA
- SHA512WithRSA
- 🚀 SHA1WithDSA
- 🚀 SHA256WithDSA
- 🚀 SHA512WithDSA
  1. Press Confirm.