Creating File Resources
To create a new File Resource, go to Setup → File Resources → New File Resource button and fill in the dialog window.
Properties | Description |
ACTORS (*) | Choose which Actor the File Resource is applied to, or whether to apply it to your own company. Note: A company’s File Resource can be used in any contract regardless of the Actor it is associated with. |
NAME (*) | Name of the file resource. These characters are accepted / ! * + ? = " | Blanks are not accepted. |
DESCRIPTION | Description of the file resource. |
REJECT FILE | Values: YES or NO (default) If you select YES, files matching the File Processing Rule associated with this File Resource will not be accepted. |
LOCAL/REMOTE SETTINGS | See next paragraph. |
Local Settings have two different configurable platforms where they can operate, with different properties:
- zOS
Windows/Unix Like
FILE FORMAT – CONTENT TYPE | This is the mime type associated with the file; mime is used only to determine if the file is text or binary. Possible values: APPLICATION_EDI_CONSENT | |
FILE FORMAT – RECORD FORMAT | The record format: | |
UF – Windows/”Unix like” Fixed length | The file is composed by fixed length records | |
UV – Windows/”Unix like” delimited with EOL | The file is composed by text records of variable length delimited by an end of line | |
UVL – Windows/”Unix like” length prefixed variable record (big-endian) | The file is composed by records of variable length and each record is prefixed by its length (4 byte binary big-endian) | |
NONE – Not Set (default) | The file is not composed by records | |
COMPRESSION – COMPRESSION TYPE (#) | Compression type where: | |
SPAZIO2_RUN_LENGTH | Spazio2 compression, only the repeated bytes are compressed | |
SPAZIO2_ZLIB | zlib Spazio2 compression | |
LOCATION – FILE POSITION | Flag to set the file as internal or external: | |
INTERNAL (default) | Create the file as internal file | |
EXTERNAL | Create the file as external file | |
LINK | When applicable, the file is the one provided by the user and the Virtual File System refers directly to it. | |
DISPOSITION RULES – PUT DISPOSITION | The disposition applicable only to the external file: | |
REJECT_IF_EXIST | Create a new file; this operation fails if the file already exists. | |
OVERRIDE (default) | Replace or create a new file if it does not exist. | |
NEW_VERSION | Same as OVERRIDE, it can reuse the space allocation for zOS dataset. | |
REPLACE_NO_CREATE | Replace an old file; this operation fails if the file does not exist. | |
DISPOSITION RULES – GET DISPOSITION | When the platform works as a server, the file can remain on the VFS or can be removed automatically once it is successfully pulled by a client. When the platform works as a client, the file can remain on the VFS or can be removed automatically once it is successfully read to be pushed via a Client Connection. The configuration occurs choosing the option: | |
LEAVE | The file remains in the VFS. | |
REMOVE (default) | The file is removed from the VFS. |
In the previous table, fields marked with (#) trigger the following options depending on the value chosen:
NONE | No more properties to configure |
OPEN | 1. Security format: select the encrypted file format: PKCS7 (default) PGP CMS PKCS7_SP2 S_MIME |
SIGN | 1. Security format: same as OPEN When selecting PGP, the add extension (.pgp) checkbox will appear. 2. Signature key: The key ID to be used for signature operations 3. Signature hash algorithm: select the hash algorithm to be used for signature operations: MD2 MD5 SHA1 SHA256 (default) SHA384 SHA512 |
ENVELOPE | 1. Security format: same as OPEN When selecting PGP, the add extension (.pgp) checkbox will appear. 2. Encryption Cipher Algorithm: select the cipher algorithm to be used for the encryption operations: DES DES_EDE3 (default) AES128 AES192 AES256 RC2 3. Encryption Recipient |
SIGN_AND_ENVELOPE | 1. Security format: same as OPEN When selecting PGP, the add extension (.pgp) checkbox will appear. 2. Signature key: the key ID to be used for signature operations 3. Signature hash algorithm: same as OPEN 4. Encryption Cipher Algorithm: the cipher algorithm used for the encryption operations; same as ENVELOPE 5. Encryption Recipient |
SPAZIO2_RUN_LENGTH | No more properties to configure |
SPAZIO2_ZLIB | 1. Compression 64 Mode: ALWAYS (default) NEVER 2. Strategy Level, Zlib compression strategy level: DEFAULT (default) FILTERED HUFFMAN_ONLY 3. Compression Level: Zlib compression level (0-9), (default: 5). |
FILE FORMAT – CONTENT TYPE | The mime type associated with the file; mime is used only to determine if the file is text or binary (see paragraph of Windows/Unix like for values). |
FILE FORMAT – RECORD FORMAT | The record format: ZVBM – z/OS Variable, blocked, machine print-control codes ZVS – z/OS Variable, standard ZVSA – z/OS Variable, standard, ASA print-control, characters ZVSM – z/OS Variable, standard, machine print-control codes ZVBS – z/OS Variable, blocked, standard ZVBSA – z/OS Variable, blocked, standard, ASA print-control characters ZVBSM – z/OS Variable, blocked, standard, machine print-control codes NONE – Not Set (default) NOTE: Zxxxx -> where xxxx is the z/OS dataset record format. |
FILE FORMAT – RESOURCE BLOCK SIZE | The block size (used when the record format is zOS type). |
FILE FORMAT – RECORD LENGTH | Record length: this is mandatory if the record format is ZFxx/ZVxx |
FILE ALLOCATION SETTINGS – SPACE TYPE | Use the SPACE parameter to request space for a new data set on a direct access volume: B Byte KB Kilo byte MB Mega Byte GB Giga Byte CYL Cylinders TRK Tracks BLK Blocks |
FILE ALLOCATION SETTINGS – PRIMARY SPACE | Specifies the number of tracks, cylinders, blocks, or records to be allocated. |
FILE ALLOCATION SETTINGS – SECONDARY SPACE | Specifies the number of additional tracks, cylinders, blocks, or records to be allocated, if more space is needed. |
FILE ALLOCATION SETTINGS – UNIT | Use the UNIT parameter to specify a device for an SMS-managed data set. |
FILE ALLOCATION SETTINGS – VOLUME LIST | Use the VOLUME parameter to identify the volume or volumes where a data set resides or will reside. Each volume must be separated by commas [ , ]. |
FILE ALLOCATION SETTINGS – DATA CLASS | Use the DATACLASS parameter to specify a data class for a new data set. The storage administrator at your installation defines the names of the data classes you can code on the DATACLASS parameter. |
DISPOSITION RULES – PUT DISPOSITION | REJECT_IF_EXIST | Create a new file; this operation fails if the file already exists. |
OVERRIDE (default) | Replace or create a new file if it does not exist. | |
NEW_VERSION | Same as OVERRIDE, it can reuse the space allocation for zOS dataset. | |
REPLACE_NO_CREATE | Replace an old file; this operation fails if the file does not exist. | |
DISPOSITION RULES – GET DISPOSITION | When the platform works as a server, the file can remain on the VFS or can be removed automatically once it is successfully pulled by a client. When the platform works as a client, the file can remain on the VFS or can be removed automatically once it is successfully read to be pushed via a Client Connection. The configuration occurs choosing the option: | |
LEAVE | The file remains in the VFS. | |
REMOVE (default) | The file is removed from the VFS. |
The SECURITY and COMPRESSION fields are marked with (#) because they trigger additional options that are detailed just before the zOS section.
Remote Settings configuration has the same properties and definitions as Local Settings (see above).
During File Resource definition, some checks are performed against local and remote settings to assure data consistency. These are the basic rules:
• Local and Remote content types must both refer to binary or text file. In other words, it is not possible to define a binary local content type and a text remote content type.
• If the content type is text, the Charset name definition is mandatory.
• If the record format is UV, the content type needs to refer to a text file and the resource End of Line is mandatory.
• If the record format refers to a fixed or variable length record, the record length is mandatory and the resource End of Line is forbidden.
• If the content type is binary, it is not possible to define text specific attributes, e.g. charset name and resource End of Line.
Once you have created the File Resource, click Save.
Updated 11 months ago