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Output templates

System templates

The following properties are common to all templates. They are also optional and therefore, can be skipped if not needed.

Common properties:

  • Error handling
    The Enable workflow error handling option can be set to ON to use PRIMEUR system workflows to manage errors. Enabling the toggle switch, the Select error handling template drop-down list will appear with 2 templates: one to log all variables and one to notify errors. You can find details about the ehwft_logAllVariables and ehwft_logAllVariables templates in the Workflow Error Templates section.

  • systemEnableLogDebugToFile
    Set this toggle button to ON to activate logs

Trigger type: On Demand

The On Demand trigger does not require any mandatory variable.
The On Demand triggered workflow templates are triggered by a direct API invocation via REST. This API will accept a map of variables that will be passed to the instance as process variables. Any variable explicitly declared on the template to be requested when creating the Contract is added to the set of variables coming from the REST invocation. If a variable name is used when creating the Contract and is used in the map passed via REST as well, this second one wins over the Contract one.

1. SpExec operation


Goal: System template that will perform a remote spExec operation when onDemand is triggered


  • Cluster
    Steng cluster where the spExec operation is performed

  • executable
    Executable command to be run on the remote steng shell

  • arguments
    Arguments that will be passed to the selected executable command

2. Send email notification


Goal: System template OnDemand triggered sending a notification email.


  • Cluster
    Cluster that performs the transport

  • Select remote server
    Select the remote server

  • mailSubjectTemplate
    Subject of the email

  • templateId
    ID of the Template

  • mailRecipients
    Email addresses of the recipients

  • mailFrom
    Sender of the email

  • templateDefaultReplacer
    Template default variable re-placer

Trigger type: New File

A New File trigger requires a VirtualPath.

FileSet is written by the FileBox component in the VirtualPath configured in the Contract.
The variable added to the execution is a file of type FileDetail. Its attributes must be set according to the event that starts this trigger.

Common variables:

  • newFileFilter
    Enter the string to filter new files. For example, you may want the flow triggered only for files beginning with a specific filename or extension.
    The syntax used in the expression uses Groovy scripting. Knowledge of Groovy operators is enough to create expressions returning a "true or false" variable.
    For example, entering ["january","february"].contains(file.getName()), the contract is activated if the filename contains january or february.
    On the Filter page you can find more details about the file and filesetEvent variables.

1. Push file in monitored Virtual Path and optionally send a confirmation


Goal: System Template triggered by a New file that remotely pushes a data file. If appropriate options are specified, it checks that a flag file exists before pushing and/or sending a confirmation file after pushing. Optionally, it can notify that the pull operation is successful using the notification channel options.


  1. If the name of a flag file is specified, before proceeding Data One checks that a flag file exists. If the flag file is specified but not found, the workflow exits. If the flag file is not specified or if the flag file is both specified and found in the appropriate folder, Data One sends the file that triggered the workflow through Virtual Box bind to the desired destination.
  2. If the name of a confirmation file is specified, a dummy confirmation file is created and sent to the specified folder.
  3. If the Notification Channel option is specified, a notification is sent to the appropriate recipients through the selected Notification Channel.


  • Select Virtual Path

    • When the Select Virtual Path toggle is ON: >
      Actor, VFS, VFS Path
      Destination Virtual path where data files will be pulled

    • When the Select Virtual Path toggle is OFF: >
      Enter VFSNAME:/VPATH
      The * wildcard character is accepted

  • remoteFolder
    Remote folder where the file will be written

  • Select remote server
    Transfer profile (or Client Connection) to use to push the data file to the destination

  • flagFileName
    Flag file filename
    If set, before trying to pull files, the workflow will check the presence of a Flag file with this filename and extension in the selected folder.

  • remotePathFlagFile
    Flag file folder
    Applicable only if the Flag file name is set. Remote folder where the Flag file will be verified

  • removeFlagFile
    Applicable only if the Flag file name is set. If enabled, the Flag file will be removed after successfully pulling the file.

  • confirmationFileName
    Trigger file filename
    If set, once the file is successfully pushed, a confirmation file with this filename (and extension) will be pushed

  • remotePathConfirmationFile
    Trigger file folder
    Applicable only if trigger file filename is set. Remote path where the trigger file will be pushed

  • Actor, VFS, VFS Path
    Actor, VFS, and Virtual Path where the file will be placed. Applicable only if trigger file filename is set. Virtual Path for trigger file.

  • Notification Channel
    If set, the success of the push operation will be notified using the selected notification channel

    • System Email Notification Channel >
      Configuring the Email Notification Channel
      Add email + button

    • Embedded Broker Notification Channel >

2. Push file to a remote location


Goal: Push the file triggering the instance to a remote location.

Notes: It is possible to rename the file while pushing it.


  • Select Virtual Path

    • When the Select Virtual Path toggle is ON: >
      Actor, VFS, VFS Path
      Destination Virtual path where data files will be pulled

    • When the Select Virtual Path toggle is OFF: >
      Enter VFSNAME:/VPATH
      The * wildcard character is accepted

  • Cluster
    Cluster where the operation will be executed

  • spPush_remotePath
    Remote Path where the file triggering this instance will be pushed to

  • Select remote server
    Transfer profile used for pushing the file onto the remote path

  • File resource
    Resource profile to apply during the Push operation

  • spPush_renameFile
    If set, its value will be the new "file and extension" for the file written with the Push operation

3. Get file


Goal: System template newFile triggered that copies the file triggering the instance to a physical folder.

Notes: The file can be renamed


  • Select Virtual Path

    • When the Select Virtual Path toggle is ON: >
      Actor, VFS, VFS Path
      Destination Virtual path where data files will be pulled

    • When the Select Virtual Path toggle is OFF: >
      Enter VFSNAME:/VPATH
      The * wildcard character is accepted

  • destination_path
    Path where the file triggering this instance will be saved to

  • destination_filename
    If set, its value will be the new \”file and extension\” for the file written with the Get operation

  • File resource
    Resource profile to apply during the file Get operation

Trigger type: Virtual Box Bind

A Virtual Box Unbind requires a VirtualBox.
The instance starts when a VirtualBoxEvent is emitted by FileBox when the FileSet and the Virtual Box defined in the Contract are no longer associated.
The variable added to the execution is a file of type FileDetail. Its attributes must be set according to the event that fires this trigger.

Common properties:

  • Select VirtualBox
    with New VirtualBox button in the drop-down field

  • virtualBoxFilter
    Enter the string to filter virtual boxes. For example, you may want the flow triggered only for specific virtual boxes.

1. Push file to a remote directory


Goal: Virtual Box Bind triggered System template that will remotely push a file with an optional resource profile and optionally back it up on VFS.


  • Cluster
    Cluster that performs the transport

  • remoteFolder
    Remote folder where the file will be written

  • Select remote server
    Transfer profile to use for the transport

  • Actor, VFS, VFS Path
    Actor, VFS and Virtual Path where the file will be placed. If specified the file will be backed up to the desired destination

  • File resource
    If specified a resource profile will be applied

2. Push file to a remote location and optionally send a confirmation and/or specify a flag file


Goal: System Template, triggered by a Virtual Box bind, pushing a file remotely. If appropriate options are specified, the presence of a flag file can be verified before pushing and/or sending a confirmation file after pushing.
Optionally, it can notify that the pull operation is successful using the notification channel options.


  1. If the name of a flag file is specified, before proceeding Data One verifies that a flag file exists. If the flag file is specified but not found, the workflow exits. If the flag file is not specified or if the flag file is both specified and found in the appropriate folder, Data One sends the file that triggered the workflow through Virtual Box bind to the desired destination.
  2. If the name of a confirmation file is specified, a dummy confirmation file is created and sent to the specified folder.
  3. If the Notification Channel option is specified, a notification is sent to appropriate recipients through the selected Notification Channel.


  • remoteFolder
    Remote folder where the file will be written

  • Select remote server
    Transfer profile (or Client Connection) to use to push the data file to the destination

  • flagFileName
    Optionally, a flag file can be specified so that the data file is pulled only when the flag file is in the specified folder. The pulled data file can optionally be archived and/or deleted at the source.

  • remotePathFlagFile
    (Required only if Flag file name is set) Remote folder where Flag file presence will be checked

  • removeFlagFile
    (Required only if Flag file name is set) If enabled, the flag file will be removed after a successful data file pull.

  • confirmationFileName
    Trigger file filename
    If set, once the file is successfully pushed, a confirmation file with this filename (and extension) will be pushed

  • remotePathConfirmationFile
    Trigger file folder
    Applicable only if trigger file filename is set. Remote path where the trigger file will be pushed

  • Actor, VFS, VFS Path
    Actor, VFS, and Virtual Path where the file will be placed

  • Notification Channel
    If set, the success of the push operation will be notified using the selected notification channel

    • System Email Notification Channel >
      Configuring the Email Notification Channel
      Add email + button

    • Embedded Broker Notification Channel >

  • confirmationFilePath
    Local path for the creation of a trigger file

DataFlow templates

These are templates that can be used with DataFlows.

Common variables:

  • Error handling
    The Enable workflow error handling option can be set to ON to use PRIMEUR system workflows to manage errors. Enabling the toggle switch, the Select error handling template drop-down list will appear with 2 templates: one to log all variables and one to notify errors. You can find details about the ehwft_logAllVariables and ehwft_logAllVariables templates in the Workflow Error Templates section.

  • systemEnableLogDebugToFile
    Set this toggle button to ON to activate logs

Trigger type: Virtual Box Bind

A Virtual Box Unbind requires a VirtualBox.
The instance starts when a VirtualBoxEvent is emitted by FileBox when the FileSet and the Virtual Box defined in the Contract are no longer associated.
The variable added to the execution is a file of type FileDetail. Its attributes must be set according to the event that fires this trigger.

Common properties:

  • Select VirtualBox
    with New VirtualBox button in the drop-down field

  • virtualBoxFilter
    Enter the string to filter virtual boxes. For example, you may want the flow triggered only for specific virtual boxes.

1. Save file on filesystem (spget)


Goal: Virtual Box Bind triggered DataFlow template that saves a file on filesystem (spget), and optionally backs it up on a VFS.


  • Cluster
    Cluster where the operation will be executed

  • destinationFolder
    Destination folder where the file will be written on the filesystem

  • Actor, VFS, VFS Path
    Actor, VFS and Virtual Path where the file will be placed

2. Push file


Goal: Virtual Box Bind triggered DataFlow template that remotely pushes a file and optionally backs it up on a VFS. Eligible for DataFlow.


  • remoteFolder
    Remote folder where the file will be written

  • Select remote server
    Select the remote server

  • Actor, VFS, VFS Path
    Actor, VFS, and Virtual Path where the file will be placed