Domain Master Configuration Reference - NEW! 🚀
The Domain Master Configuration (DMCFG) is a YAML document containing the base bootstrap parameters required by the product at startup time.
DMCFG is located on the Data One Control Node in <DOIM_HOME>/config/dmcfg.yaml.
The initial DMCFG document is automatically created as part of the installation process and can be partially modified at any time during the product lifetime.
Global configuration
This table lists the variables that globally apply to the system.
The initial values of these variables are populated with the user's interactive responses to the setup questions at install time.
Depending on how much your installation needs to be customized on a node-by-node basis, you can provide node-level overrides for some of the global variables.
Each variable corresponds to one option to be set or entered during the installation phase.
Name | Default value | Description |
env_name | production | Execution environment name, e.g. "production" / "QA" / "test". This is a human-readable free text that is shown in the product WUI banner and selected log messages. It is intended to be used as a quick visual identifier of the environment where a given Data One instance is running. |
dataone_home | /opt/dataone | DATA ONE home path where product code and some node-level state information is stored. Node-level overrides can be provided for this variable. |
dataone_log_path | /opt/dataone/log | DATA ONE log path where all product-generated logs and traces are stored. Node-level overrides can be provided for this variable. |
number_of_ceman | Number of CEMAN hosts forming the CEMAN cluster | |
number_of_datawatcher | Number of Data Watcher hosts forming the Data Watcher cluster | |
number_of_steng | Number of STENG hosts forming the STENG cluster | |
number_of_dmz | Number of DMZ hosts forming the DMZ cluster | |
CEMAN_DB_URL | n/a | jdbc connection string used by CEMAN to connect to the DB Note: The only supported format for Oracle JDBC URL is: jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=<protocol>) (HOST=<dbhost>) (PORT=<dbport>)) (CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=<service-name>)) ) |
CEMAN_DB_USR | n/a | CEMAN DB connection user |
CEMAN_DB_PSW | n/a | CEMAN DB connection password |
ceman_db_schema | dataoneodb | CEMAN-core DB schema |
ceman_https_port | 9443 | Internal Data One WUI / CEMAN-core listening port |
ssl_default_keystore_password | n/a | CEMAN SSL/TLS P12 keystore password |
jgroups_infinispan_bind_port | 7801 | CEMAN-core JGroups primary listening port, a secondary listening port jgroups_infinispan_bind_port+2 for JGroups failure detection protocol will also be bound. |
jgroups_iam_infinispan_bind_port | 7821 | CEMAN IAM JGroups primary listening port, a secondary listening port jgroups_iam_infinispan_bind_port+1 for JGroups failure detection protocol will also be bound. |
ceman_localcontroller_port | 7771 | CEMAN-core local controller listening port, internally used by the product to stop/check a running CEMAN-core |
🚀 dwapi_https_port | 2580 | DATA WATCHER APIs HTTPS listening port |
activemq_https_port | 7443 | AMQ broker web console HTTPS listening port |
amq_web_console_password | n/a | Set the AMQ web console "amqadmin" user password |
brokerconfig_acceptor_core_port | 61616 | AMQ active-passive broker native protocol listening port |
brokerconfig_jgroups_port | 7701 | AMQ active-passive broker JGroups primary listening port, a secondary listening port brokerconfig_jgroups_port+3 for JGroups failure detection protocol will also be bound. |
brokerconfig_aa_acceptor_core_port | 61617 | AMQ active-active broker native protocol listening port |
brokerconfig_aa_jgroups_port | 7702 | AMQ active-active broker JGroups primary listening port, a secondary listening port brokerconfig_aa_jgroups_port+3 for JGroups failure detection protocol will also be bound. |
brokerconfig_aa_scaledown_jgroups_port | 7703 | AMQ active-active broker scaledown jgroups primary listening port, a secondary listening port brokerconfig_aa_scaledown_jgroups_port+3 for JGroups failure detection protocol will also be bound. |
activemq_localcontroller_port | 7772 | AMQ local controller listening port, internally used by the product to stop/check a running AMQ broker |
brokerconfig_journal_directory | /opt/shared | AMQ active-passive broker message store path; it must be on a shared file system visible by all CEMAN nodes |
steng_https_port | 9445 | Set the STENG HTTPS port |
steng_localcontroller_port | 7773 | STENG local controller listening port, internally used by the product to stop/check a running STENG Peer |
net_port | 27017 | DATA WATCHER embedded MongoDB listening port |
storm_worker_port | 6710 | DATA WATCHER base listening port for Storm workers port range Ports from storm_worker_port to storm_worker_port + 9 could be listened to (in a worst-case scenario, the typical actual number is less than that). |
zk_port | 2181 | DATA WATCHER Zookeeper listening port |
DATAONE_SUPERUSER_PASSWORD | n/a | CEMAN IAM "ghibli-superuser" user's password |
KEYCLOAK_ADMIN_PASSWORD | n/a | CEMAN IAM "admin" user's password |
KEYCLOAK_DB_SCHEMA | dataoneiam | CEMAN IAM DB schema |
KEYCLOAK_HTTPS_PORT | 6443 | Internal Data One IAM listening port |
Node configuration
This table lists the variables that have a node-level scope. This means that a value must be specified for each node. Depending on the number of nodes, one ore more options for each variable must be specified during the installation phase.
For example, having 3 CEMAN hosts, 2 STENG hosts, 2 DMZ hosts and 1 Data Watcher host, you must enter 8 hostname
Name | Default value | Description |
hostname | n/a | Managed node hostname |
dataone_user | n/a | Managed node SSH connection username |
n/a | n/a | Managed node SSH connection password |
ceman_server_name | ce1 | CEMAN-core Liberty server name |
activemq_server_name | amq1 | CEMAN AMQ Liberty server name |
ceman_ip_balanced | n/a | External load balancer address, used by the user via browser to reach the Data One WUI |
ceman_http_port_balanced | 5000 | External load balancer HTTP/S port, used by the user via browser to reach the Data One WUI |
IAM_PROXY_PORT | 5001 | External load balancer HTTP/S port port, used behind the scenes by the browser to contact Data One WUI |
dmz_server_name | dmz1 | DMZ Liberty server name |
gateway_Command_Port | 1235 | DMZ command listening port |
steng_server_name | ste1 | STENG Liberty server name |
SPENG_CLUSTER_ID | cluster1 | STENG cluster name |
SPENG_PEER_ID | peer1 | STENG Peer name |
shared_dir | /opt/shared | STENG shared directory; it must be on a shared file system visible by all STENG Peer nodes |
Extended configuration
The DMCFG YAML document generated by the installation process also contains an empty Extended Configuration section named ext_cfg.
# Extended configuration (optional)
This section is meant to receive additional tuning directives and special configurations. After the initial configuration, these settings will be manually added to DMCFG.
This manual will provide specific instructions on how to populate the DMCFG Extended Configuration for specific purposes when appropriate.
Updated about 2 months ago