Managing Workflows

To access the Workflow Templates section, go to Design β†’ Workflows. The Workflow home page will appear.


At the top of the screen, Workflows are shown with the number of flows in that Status. Note that this number is updated when applying a different filter in the Filters panel on the right.

Clicking on the Workflow Status, the flows for the selected status will be displayed in the result list.

Learn how to use the toolbar at the top of the list of results here.

In the Filters panel on the right, you can filter results by:

  • Template name
  • Template type: System or Error
  • Trigger type

To sort workflows click the icon next to the Name, Revision, Trigger or Created wording at the top of the result list.

Each Workflow Template is provided with the icon allowing you to:
View the Workflow Template
Edit the Workflow Template
Export the Workflow Template
Delete the Workflow Template

The Edit, Export or Delete options are not available for System and Error Templates, which can be managed only by Primeur personnel.

Click on one of the entries in the result list to open the workflow info panel. The panel will appear under the Filters panel and will display the template name, description and visual representation.

When a template is associated with one or more contracts and/or workflow instances, the number of contracts and workflow instances associated with it will be displayed at the bottom of the panel.

Click on the Referencing contracts button to open the Contracts page.
Click on the Go to workflow instances button to open the Jobs page. Note that when you are redirected to the Jobs page, by default the time slot is set to 1H and jobs corresponding to a particular workflow might not be visible. Click on a different time slot in the Filters panel to see Jobs set with different time frames.