DataOneFileDescriptor (DOFD) metadata

FIELD NUMBERFIELD NAMEDATA TYPEDataOneVFSReader AccessDataOneVFSWriter AccessDataOneVFSWriter DefaultAttribute DescriptionInternal Notes
vfsPathStringWR-Name of Data One VFS Path in the form: vfsname:/vpath (e.g. "ordersvfs:/receivables/20221H").
fileIdStringW--File identifier, it uniquely identifies a file in Data One file registry.
dfiidStringWR-Data Flow Instance Identifier, it is used to perform E2E correlation of file processing as it traverses Data One conctract.

In a Data Shaper graph the input dfiid propagated by DataOneVFSReader is typically passed unchanged to DataOneVFSWriter on output
fileNameStringWR-Name of the file.

For files received via PESIT protocol this field contains PESIT.label.
descriptionStringWR-File description.

For files received via PESIT protocol this field contains PESIT.userData.
topicStringWR-Additional descriptive field that can be used to better identify the data.

For files received via PESIT protocol this field contains PESIT.fileName.
originalFileSizelongW--Original size of the file, the actual size of data streamed into the graph can be different due to the processing applied by File Resource (e.g. decompression, decryption) and/or charset conversion.

W--Timestamp of when the file has been initially stored on Data One file registry.

W--File last update timestamp in in Data One file registry.

W--Timestamp of the first time the file has been opened for reading in Data One file registry.

W--Timestamp of the last time the file has been opened for reading in Data One file registry.
dataTypeStringWRapplication/octet-stream MIME type of file payload, when known.MDClass.FSR_FILE_SYS_MD + "." + MDName.DATA_TYPE
charsetStringWRempty File charset for data files, this attributes is empty for binary files.must be read after FileRes, and RequestedCharset parm application

eolenumWRNONE File end-of-line / end-of-record character, for record structured files, possible values:
- NONE - No record terminator
- CRLF - Carriage Return + Line Feed record terminator
- CR - Line Feed record terminator
- LF - Line Feed record terminator
must be read after FileRes application

MDClass.FSR_FILE_SYS_MD + "." + MDName.EOL
recLenIntegerWRempty File record length, for fixed length record structured files.must be read after FileRes application

sourceLabelStringWR-For files received via PESIT protocol this field contains PESIT.remoteIdentification.PESIT.remoteIdentification. MDClass.FSR_FILE_SYS_MD "." MDName.SOURCE_LABEL
destinationLabelStringWR-For files received via PESIT protocol this field contains PESIT.localIdentification.MDClass.FSR_FILE_SYS_MD +"." +MDName.DESTINATION_LABEL
otherAttrs{(name, value)}WRName-value pairs data structure rendering optional additional metadata attributes from GENERIC metadata class.
The name component of the tuple will have this structure:
"generic_" + genericAttributeName
A generic attribute modeling a country metadata for a French file would be rendered as:
{("generic_country", "France")}.
Value field cannot be null nor empty and must have a maximum length of 512 characters.
MDClass.SPFB_FILE_GENERIC_MD + "." + <Generic_attr_name>