Key Store - NEW! 🚀
The Key Store is the repository containing RSA and DSA private keys, and optionally the corresponding X.509 Certificate.
By default, the system is distributed with three pre-generated private keys and corresponding X.509 self-signed certificates:
- driver: used for DMZ Driver - DMZ Gateway secure connection
- sampleserverkey1: to be used for testing purposes only, when a security-enabled server protocol is configured (e.g. SFTP, FTPS, HTTPS)
- sampleclientkey1: to be used for testing purposes only, when a security-enabled client protocol is configured (e.g. SFTP, FTPS, HTTPS)
The Key Store contains 3 tabs: Keys, Certificates and Symmetric Keys.
🚀 The Keys section of the Key Store card lists imported RSA and DSA private keys.
These columns are available in the Keys tab:
- Name: unique name of the key
- Size: size of the key
- Algorithm: RSA or DSA algorithm
The 3 dots icon allows you to access the Details, Export and Delete options.

Note that DSA keys configured for the client/server SFTP transport, cannot be longer than 1024 bits. This is due to a limitation in the implementation of the SSH protocol (rfc4253).
To search for keys in the Keys tab, either filter individual columns by entering all or part of the term you want to search for in the field at the top of the column, or use the Filters panel located on the right of the table. In both methods, the search is case-sensitive. The difference between these two approaches is the scope of the filtering. When using the first method, the system only considers the fields in a single column. In contrast, the second method applies the filter globally, affecting all fields in the table.
Refer to the Creating a key and Importing a Key or Certificate pages for the procedure that must be applied to create or import a key. Moreover, the Examples page gives you additional useful information.
When deleting a private key, remember to delete the accompanying X.509 Certificate.
The Certificates tab of the Key Store card lists the certificates of the RSA and DSA private keys.
🚀 These columns are available in the Certificates tab:
- Name: unique name assigned to the key
- Serial Number
- Issuer DN and Subject DN
- Not before: the certificate cannot be used before the date specified
- Not after: the certificate cannot be used after the date specified
The Not before and Not after columns can be ordered in ascending or descending mode.
The 3 dots icon allows you to access the Details, Export and Delete options.

To search for keys in the Certificates tab, either filter individual columns by entering all or part of the term you want to search for in the field at the top of the column, or use the Filters panel located on the right of the table. In both methods, the search is case-sensitive. The difference between these two approaches is the scope of the filtering. When using the first method, the system only considers the fields in a single column. In contrast, the second method applies the filter globally, affecting all fields in the table.
Refer to the Creating a key and Importing a Key or Certificate pages for the procedure that must be applied to create or import a key. Moreover, the Examples page gives you additional useful information.
The Symmetric Keys tab of the Key Store lists all symmetric keys.
🚀 These columns are available in the Symmetric Keys tab:
- Name: unique name assigned to the symmetric key
- ID: ID associated to the symmetric key
- Item type: symmetric key is assigned by the system.
The 3 dots icon allows you to access the Export and Delete options.

To search for keys in the Symmetric Keys tab, either use the field at the top of the Name column by entering all or part of the term you want to search for, or use the Filters panel located on the right of the table. In both methods, the search is case-sensitive.
For detailed information, refer to the Creating a symmetric key page.
Updated 2 months ago