
You can define your own functions in the following way:

function returnType functionName (type1 arg1, type2 arg2,..., typeN argN) {
        return [expression];

You must put the return statement at the end. For more information about the return statement, see Return Statement. Inside some functions, there can be Mappings. These may be in any place inside the function.

In addition to any other data type mentioned above, the function can also return void.

function integer add (integer i1, integer i2) {
    return i1 + i2;

Message Function

You can also define a function for your own error messages.

function string getMessage() {
    return message;

This message variable should be declared as a global string variable and defined anywhere in the code so as to be used in the place where the getMessage() function is located. The message will be written to the console.