Trigger types - NEW! 🚀
For every trigger, find below the required variables and their potential contribution to the instance variables.
Variables that the user must fill in when creating the Contract are in bold.
Time trigger
A Time trigger requires a cron-expression.
The instance starts when the time defined in the cron-expression is matched. No variables are added to the flow instance.
When creating the Contract, you will have these required and optional Variables available:
cronExpression - required
Type: plain text [STRING]
Example: * * * ? -
systemEnableLogDebugToFile - optional
Type: Enabled/Disabled [BOOLEAN] -
systemErrorHandlingWorkflowTemplateName - optional
Type: Enabled/Disabled [BOOLEAN] -
jobManagerPriorityQueueName - required
Type: WUI custom [QUEUE]
Default: Default Queue -
systemWorkflowInstanceSingletonMode - optional
Type: Enabled/Disabled [BOOLEAN]
When creating the Contract, Data One will add these Variables:
Type: plain text [STRING]
Example: ContractName -
Type: plain text [STRING]
Example: TemplateName -
Type: plain text [STRING]
Example: d90fef7b-1517-4ad6-b836-18b6b4645be7:0
New file trigger
A New File trigger requires a VirtualPath.
FileSet is written by the FileBox component in the VirtualPath configured in the Contract.
The variable added to the execution is file of type FileDetail. Its attributes must be set according to the event that starts this trigger.
Incoming Transfer trigger
An Incoming Transfer requires a VirtualPath.
The instance is triggered when a
TransferEvent is fired on the STENG because a file is received in the VirtualPath configured in the Contract.
The variable added to the execution is file of type FileDetail. Its attributes must be set according to the event that fires this trigger.
Outgoing Transfer trigger
An Outgoing Transfer requires a VirtualPath.
The instance is triggered when a
TransferEvent is fired on the STENG because a file is leaving the VirtualPath configured in the Contract to reach its destination.
The variable added to the execution is file of type FileDetail. Its attributes must be set according to the event that fires this trigger.
Incoming Update Metadata trigger
An Incoming Update Metadata requires a VirtualPath.
The instance starts when an UpdateMetadata event is fired by STENG and when any metadata is updated on a FileSet during a transport in the VirtualPath configured in the Contract.
The variable added to the execution is file of type FileDetail. Its attributes must be set according to the event that fires this trigger.
On Demand trigger
An On Demand trigger is triggered by a direct API invocation via REST, specifically the Job Manager Submit API. 🚀 See the Job Manager APIs page.
This API accepts a map of variables that will be passed to the instance as process variables. Any variables explicitly declared in the template to be requested during the creation of the Contract are added to the set of variables from the REST invocation. If a variable name is used both during Contract creation and in the map passed via REST, the latter wins over the Contract's variable name.
Virtual Box Bind trigger
A Virtual Box Bind requires a VirtualBox.
The instance starts when a VirtualBoxEvent is emitted by FileBox as a consequence of the association of a FileSet to the VirtualBox configured in the Contract.
The variable added to the execution is file of type FileDetail. Its attributes must be set according to the event that fires this trigger.
Virtual Box Unbind trigger
A Virtual Box Unbind requires a VirtualBox.
The instance starts when a VirtualBoxEvent is emitted by FileBox when the FileSet and the Virtual Box defined in the Contract are no longer associated.
The variable added to the execution is file of type FileDetail. Its attributes must be set according to the event that fires this trigger.
Updated 9 months ago