Audit message codes
This table shows the Audit log message codes, the actions they are associated with, and their labels.
Here is the key to understanding the codes:
• AUD: prefix for the Audit module
• 0001: message id
• A: suffix that identifies a new level for compatibility with other message codes
Action | Message Code | Label |
CREATE | AUD0001A | User jane.doe has created the Job Queue called JobQueueAudit with id 5 |
MODIFY | AUD0003A | User jane.doe has modified the Job Queue called JobQueueAudit with id 5 |
DELETE | AUD0005A | User jane.doe has deleted the Job Queue called JobQueueAudit with id 5 |
LOGIN | AUD0007A | User jane.doe has logged in with plug-in X |
LOGOUT | AUD0009A | User jane.doe has logged out |
PASSWORD CHANGE | AUD0010A | Password has been changed for the user jane.doe |
MODIFY (AUDIT) | AUD0100A | User jane.doe has modified the Audit Configuration |
MODIFY (LOGS) | AUD0103A | User jane.doe has modified the Logs Configuration |
ENABLE AUDIT | AUD0106A | User 'jane.doe' has enabled Audit |
DISABLE AUDIT | AUD0107A | User ' jane.doe' has disabled Audit |
Updated 6 months ago