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Audit message codes

This table shows the Audit log message codes, the actions they are associated with, and their labels.

Here is the key to understanding the codes:
• AUD: prefix for the Audit module
• 0001: message id
• A: suffix that identifies a new level for compatibility with other message codes

ActionMessage CodeLabel
CREATEAUD0001AUser jane.doe has created the Job Queue called JobQueueAudit with id 5
MODIFYAUD0003AUser jane.doe has modified the Job Queue called JobQueueAudit with id 5
DELETEAUD0005AUser jane.doe has deleted the Job Queue called JobQueueAudit with id 5
LOGINAUD0007AUser jane.doe has logged in with plug-in X
LOGOUTAUD0009AUser jane.doe has logged out
PASSWORD CHANGEAUD0010APassword has been changed for the user jane.doe
MODIFY (AUDIT)AUD0100AUser jane.doe has modified the Audit Configuration
MODIFY (LOGS)AUD0103AUser jane.doe has modified the Logs Configuration
ENABLE AUDITAUD0106AUser 'jane.doe' has enabled Audit
DISABLE AUDITAUD0107AUser ' jane.doe' has disabled Audit