Cut-off Calendars
If you want to know why you need to set up a Cut-off calendar, follow this link.
Data Watcher has two pre-existing calendars: Everyday and Every Working Day. To set a different calendar, you can download the Every Day Model, modify it on your local drive, and upload it.
If you need to set a different Calendar, follow these steps:
- As Administrator, go to Setup → Cut-off Calendars.
- Click on the 3 dots icon on the right of the Every Day Model and select Download to save it on your local drive.
- Edit the TXT file noting that:
Name: name of the cut-off calendar that will appear on the Name column of the result list.
Description: description that will appear on the Description column of the result list.
Accepted values: E for enabled or D for disabled.
A day is Enabled when a cut-off can be configured for that day.
A day is Disabled when a cut-off cannot be configured for that day.
In this section you can configure bank holidays or days when the cut-off will not be applied. The format supported is:
yyyymmdd=E | D
For example: 20251225=D will disable December 25th, 2025. - In the Cut-off Calendars page, click the UPLOAD button to import the file into Data Watcher.
If you need to edit the file, use the Update option of the 3 dots icon.
Find here below an example of a Calendar:
NAME=Every Working Day
DESCRIPTION=Every Working Day
20250815=D,Bank Holiday
Once you have uploaded your Calendar, it will appear in the result list.
From the result list, you can view, update, download, or delete each Cut-Off Calendar listed.
Updated about 1 month ago