Navigation tips
To seamlessly navigate through Primeur Data One 1.20, there are a few practical concepts you should keep in mind.
The main menu
The main sections of the solution are displayed on the toolbar on the left side of the screen. The icons on the toolbar represent the Monitoring, Design, Actors, Company and Setup menus. Hover over the icons to open panels featuring the different sections of PRIMEUR Data One 1.20.0.
Clickable options and breadcrumb trail
At the top of the screen, these options are clickable:
The logo on the left of the screen gives you access the Info section of Data One with information useful for our lovely geek friends.
Clicking on at the top of the page brings you back to the Data One Welcome page.
The breadcrumbs at the top of the screen are very useful when you want to return to a previous page. You can also press the back button on your browser page to easily navigate through the pages. Note that when using breadcrumbs or the back button, unsaved progress will be lost.
The toolbar
Most pages have the same layout with a toolbar at the top of a list of results. The toolbar is organized with a set of options allowing you to:
- see the number of results displayed in the result list out of the total number of results existing
- jump to the First, Previous, Next and Last page
- select the columns that you want to display on the page
- set the number of items that you want to display on each page
- refresh the page
Updated 6 months ago