The glossary
Acronym or Term | Description |
ACL Access Control Lists | List that specifies which users or groups can access a VFS and a VFS path and what operations they can perform (e.g., create, delete, download, upload). Each VFS can handle separate ACLs. |
Actor | Data Producer or Data Consumer of the integration process. Actors can be of either Partner or Application type. |
Application | Internal Actor belonging to the Company. |
CEMAN CEntral MANager | The single point of administration, management, and monitoring of Data One. |
Client Connection | Actor-level configuration of the endpoints (servers, applications, cloud services) that Data One interacts with when acting as a client, retrieving or sending files to remote locations. |
Company | The Company models the department or business unit managing and operating a PRIMEUR Data One domain. Several other entities – infrastructure resources and global configuration profiles – are associated with the Company. In each integration scheme implemented in Data One, the Company is always the Data Producer, the Data Consumer, or both (for internal integrations/mediations). |
Connection Contract | Actor-level configuration of the entities that Data One interacts with when it operates as a server, determining how it receives files from Actors or makes files available for collection. There can be one and only one Connection Contract for each Actor. |
Contract | In Data One, users and administrators use Contracts to define and configure integration logic. Contracts govern the three typical steps of a Data Integration process envisaged by our technology: Input, Mediation, and Output. |
Contract Action | Each Contract defines at least one Contract Action that specifies the actions that must be performed on the Entities when a specific Event occurs. |
Control Node | In Data One, it is the node where Data One Installation Manager (DOIM) is installed in order to drive the installation on the rest of Data One managed nodes. The Control Node is the first to be set up and the last to be torn down upon product decommissioning. |
Cut-off | Timing rule applied at the business level to control the duration of a flow or of an activity or to monitor if a flow or an activity is completed in a specific time frame. Cut-offs can be defined: - at flow-level and in this case they are called Dataflow Cut-offs - at node-level and they are called Node Cut-offs (a node is a system that is monitored by Data Watcher) In both cases, cut-offs can: - control the duration of a flow or of an activity - monitor if a flow or an activity is completed in a specific time frame The former are called Duration cut-offs and the latter Planned cut-offs. The definition of a Cut-off generates Cut-off instances as a result of applying the Cut-off over time based on its category and schedule. |
Data Mover | Enterprise-level software solution that facilitates the seamless and secure transfer of large amounts of data across multiple protocols and platforms. It is a managed service that enables efficient communication between different applications by providing a robust and reliable framework for file transfer. With advanced security features, Data Mover ensures that sensitive data is protected during transit. |
Data One | Primeur’s modular, scalable, and open Hybrid Integration Platform. It is designed to simplify and accelerate the Data Integration process and to keep integration dataflows under control. It can federate various integration technologies and capabilities from a central point, preserving existing IT systems, know-how, and investments and optimizing efficiency. It embeds dataflow modeling, dataflow governance, data manipulation, transport, and connectivity tools, delivering a seamless integration platform for all integrators and all file and object data. |
Data Shaper | Data Transformation solution providing quick and flexible any-to-any data transformations. It is designed to work perfectly with Primeur Data Mover, complementing and boosting its capabilities. Primeur Data Shaper is a graphical, wizard-driven, and easy-to-use software that supports any-to-any transformation for all data formats – flat files, CSV, XML, Excel, Database, EDI, industry formats (HIPAA), etc. It also supports file splitting, transformation, routing, aggregation, and enrichment to support varying business needs. |
Data Watcher | End-to-end dataflow monitoring and control module. It provides visibility and full control of dataflows from source to destination, including transformations. It's a single solution that manages different MFT technologies, helping companies achieve consolidated dataflow management on multiple third-party vendors. |
Dataflow | Generic term. Please refer to Dataflow Instance and/or Dataflow Model to disambiguate. |
Dataflow Cut-off | Dataflow-level cut-off to control the duration or the completion of Dataflow Instances. |
Dataflow Instance | The sequence of related actions happened on one or more monitored systems. For example, in the case of Data One Data Mover workloads, it takes the form of a set of connected contract executions. A Dataflow Instance may or may not have a Dataflow Model (see below) associated with it. |
DataFlow Instance Context (DFIC) | Descriptor associated with the dataflow instance that is created with the dataflow and is enriched as the dataflow proceeds through its lifecycle along the contract actions of a COA chain. |
DataFlow Instance ID (DFIID) | Unique identifier to identify all Data One integration flows. |
Dataflow Model | Named entity abstractly representing a set of dataflow instances having some common characteristics. Dataflow models have recognition criteria that are used to match dataflow instances at runtime. Moreover, dataflow models can be enriched with additional metadata, cut-off definitions, and notifications. |
DMCFG Domain Master Configuration | YAML document containing parameters required at product installation time stored in INVFILE. DMCFG is located on Data One Control Node in /config/dmcfg.yaml. While RSPFILE role and function is restricted to the initial installation and is never modified by end-users and Primeur Helpdesk, DMCFG is also used after the installation to make changes to such configuration parameters or add new ones. |
DOIM Data One Installation Manager | Data One CLI-based tool ( running on Data One Control Node in charge of remotely orchestrating initial product installation and distributing master configuration on managed nodes. After initial installation and configuration, DOIM is responsible for subsequent product and master configuration patching/upgrades and modifications. |
Duration cut-off | One of the two categories of a cut-off. Duration cut-offs control the duration of a Dataflow Instance (Dataflow Cut-off) or an activity on a specific node (Node Cut-off). |
DWAgent Data Watcher Agent | Product component that collects events from monitored products/systems and sends them to Data Watcher for processing. A single DWAgent instance can contain several DWAgent Emitters; each emitter is an event collector specialized in monitoring a specific enterprise information system. |
DWAgent SDK | Software development kit for Java that developers can use to extend existing DWAgent monitoring capabilities to some new and otherwise unsupported enterprise information systems. The purpose of DWAgent SDK is to enable developers to create new DWAgent Emitters specific for new EISs to be monitored, for instance, a new emitter for some third-party managed file transfer product that is currently not supported by existing DWAgent Emitters. |
Entity | Anything involved in the data integration process, such as a partner/application, a user, a file, an API, or a server. Entities are described in contracts along with actions and events. |
Event | Occurrences that trigger Actions. Events are an integral part of Contracts, along with Entities and Actions. |
External User | User belonging to a specific Actor - typically a "technical user" to access the Actor's entities (e.g., accessing a VFS through a Connection Contract exploiting a specific server and protocol). |
File Event Listener (FEL) | Data One component that monitors file system folders (shared file system accessible by STENG peers of a STENG cluster) or remote locations efficiently. |
Flow | Generic term. Please refer to Dataflow Instance and/or Dataflow Model to disambiguate. |
Input Contract | Contract type that defines the input phase of an integration flow. |
Internal User | User belonging to the company and accessing the Data One WUI. |
Log Correlation ID (LCID) | Unique identifier for a Data One work session that may involve multiple Dataflow instances but may not relate to a Dataflow instance (e.g., the system startup). |
Managed Node | Any nodes that receive the Data One product component at run. The set of managed nodes is also referred to as Data One Domain. One of the managed nodes can also be used to host DOIM, hence playing the role of both Control Node and Managed Node. |
Matching Criteria | The set of rules about the activities observed in monitored systems. They are defined in the Dataflow Model and are aimed at enabling the recognition of Dataflow instances in a specific model. |
Mediation Contract | Contract type that defines the mediation phase of an integration flow. |
Node | Enterprise information system monitored by its own Data Watcher Agent. |
Node Cut-off | Cut-off defining duration or timing requirements on activities (e.g., transfers) that are expected to be observed on monitored systems. |
Output Contract | Contract type that defines the output phase of an integration flow. |
Partner | External Actor belonging to a customer's counterpart. |
Planned Cut-off | One of the two categories of a cut-off. Planned cut-offs allow control that a Dataflow instance or an activity completes within a certain time interval. |
Retention Class | Virtual Path defining how long a file must persist in a Virtual Path after it has been written or after it has been read. A Retention Class determines the retention policies for both internal and external files. Upon expiration of the retention time, files are purged. Retention Class attributes include: - Retention time after the file has entered the Data One platform. - Retention time after the file has been read for the first time after entering the Data One platform. |
STENG Scalable Trusted ENGine | Execution agent of Data One. It performs the executive tasks orchestrated by the CEMAN, such as file transfers, data compression, and data encryption. Among its activities, it can act as a server so that users can upload and download files or as a client pushing and pulling files from remote servers. |
STENG Cluster | Group of STENG peers. |
Storage Class | Entity that determines the physical storage options for both internal and external files. Storage class attributes include: - The directory where external files must be stored. - The directory where internal files must be stored. - The directory where incoming files must be temporarily saved before their transfer is completed. |
Virtual Box | Way to classify data. It can be seen as a "tag" applied to a file. Mediation and output contracts can be triggered when a file is bound or unbound to a Virtual Box. For example, tagging a file with the Archive virtual box can trigger a contract that moves the file to the Archive folder. |
VFS Virtual File System | Virtual view of a directory. It is the abstraction layer used for data privacy and security. Virtual File Systems virtualize the real directories, giving the possibility to hide the underlying actual file system and to present different views to different users. Users typically do not know the real layout of directories of the file system they are navigating. Virtual File System directories are linked to actual directories through mandatory Storage Class association. |
Virtual File System View | Entity that allows partitioning a Virtual File System. |
Updated 21 days ago