FEL message codes
This table shows the Central log message codes, the entity they are associated with, their labels and description.
Here is the key to understand the codes:
- FEL: Prefix indicating that this is a code of the File Event Listener
- <0000>: 4-digit message ID
- I: Suffix indicating the severity level. Possible values: I=INFO, E=ERROR, W=WARNING
Entity | Message Code | Label | Description |
STENG File Event Listener Engine | FEL0001I | ServerStarting | The FEL Engine is starting |
STENG File Event Listener Engine | FEL0002I | ServerStarted | The FEL Engine is running |
STENG File Event Listener Engine | FEL0003E | ServerStartErr | An error occurred during the FEL Engine start. A specific error message is provided |
STENG File Event Listener Engine | FEL0010I | ServerTerminating | The FEL Engine is terminating |
STENG File Event Listener Engine | FEL0011I | ServerTermined | The FEL Engine terminated |
STENG File Event Listener Engine | FEL0012E | ServerTerminatingErr | An error occurred during the FEL Engine termination. A specific error message is provided |
STENG File Event Listener Engine | FEL0020I | ServerHalting | The FEL Engine is stopping |
STENG File Event Listener Engine | FEL0021I | ServerHalted | The FEL Engine stopped |
STENG File Event Listener Engine | FEL0022E | ServerHaltError | An error occurred during the FEL Engine stop. A specific error message is provided |
STENG File Event Listener Engine | FEL0030I | ServerConfigLoading | The FEL Engine is loading the CEMAN configuration. A timestamp is provided |
STENG File Event Listener Engine | FEL0031I | ServerConfigLoaded | The FEL Engine loaded |
STENG File Event Listener Engine | FEL0032E | ServerConfigErrNullConfig | An error occurred during the FEL Engine loading: modeler is null |
STENG File Event Listener Engine | FEL0033E | ServerConfigErrInvalidConfig | An error occurred during the FEL Engine loading: the configuration type is invalid |
STENG File Event Listener Engine | FEL0034I | ServerConfigReload | The FEL Engine is re-loading the configuration without stop/start |
STENG File Event Listener Engine | FEL0044I | ServerConfigWorkerLoading | The FEL Engine is loading the FEL instance configuration. A timestamp is provided |
STENG File Event Listener Engine | FEL0045E | ServerConfigWorkerErr | Errors found in the FEL configuration. The number of errors is provided |
STENG File Event Listener Engine | FEL0046W | ServerConfigWorkerWarn | Warnings found in the FEL configuration. The number of warnings is provided |
STENG File Event Listener Engine | FEL0050I | ServerAwaitLockAcquired | The FEL Engine is trying to acquire lock |
STENG File Event Listener Engine | FEL0051I | ServerLeaderLockAcquired | The FEL Engine is running with leader lock acquired |
STENG File Event Listener Engine | FEL0052E | ServerLeaderLockAcquireErr | An error occurred during the FEL Engine lock acquisition |
STENG File Event Listener Engine | FEL0053W | ServerStartDaemonWithWarns | A warning occurred during the FEL Engine start. A specific warning message is provided / number of warnings |
STENG File Event Listener Engine | FEL0054W | ServerStartDaemonNoworkers | A warning occurred during the FEL Engine start. No FEL instances enabled |
STENG File Event Listener Engine | FEL0055E | ServerStartDaemonErr | An error occurred during the FEL Engine start. A specific error message is provided |
STENG File Event Listener Engine | FEL0056I | ServerStartDaemonOkWorkes | The FEL Engine is running with a certain number of FEL instances |
STENG File Event Listener Engine | FEL0060I | ServerWorkerPoll | The FEL run cycle started at a certain hour and in specific path(s) |
STENG File Event Listener Engine | FEL0061I | ServerWorkerPolled | The FEL run cycle ended at a certain hour and in specific path(s), a certain number of files have been notified |
STENG File Event Listener Engine | FEL0062W | ServerWorkerPollLagging | The FEL run cycle elapsed time has exceeded the polling interval. Expected time and lag time are provided |
STENG File Event Listener Engine | FEL0063E | ServerWorkerPollErr | The FEL run cycle was interrupted. A specific error is provided |
STENG File Event Listener Engine | FEL0064E | ServerWorkerPollDirErr | The FEL run cycle interrupted on a specific path. Specific error is provided |
STENG File Event Listener Engine | FEL0065W | ServerWorkerThreadInterrupt | The FEL run cycle has been interrupted. The FEL name is provided |
STENG File Event Listener Engine | FEL0066I | ServerWorkerAdded | The FEL has been added. The FEL name is provided |
STENG File Event Listener Engine | FEL0067I | ServerWorkerModified | The FEL has been modified. The FEL name is provided |
STENG File Event Listener Engine | FEL0068I | ServerWorkerDeleted | The FEL has been deleted. The FEL name is provided |
STENG File Event Listener Engine | FEL0069I | ServerWorkerDisabled | The FEL has been disabled. The FEL name is provided |
STENG File Event Listener Engine | FEL0070W | ServerWorkerLoadDirWarn | A warning occurred on a specific FEL |
STENG File Event Listener Engine | FEL0071E | ServerWorkerOpenDirErr | An error occurred on a specific FEL |
STENG File Event Listener Engine | FEL0072E | ServerWorkerLoadDirErr | An error occurred on a specific FEL during the loading of a previous state of a specific path. The run has stopped |
STENG File Event Listener Engine | FEL0073E | ServerWorkerGenerateDiffErr | An error occurred during the loading of a FEL instance. Differences already computed |
STENG File Event Listener Engine | FEL0074W | ServerWorkerCloneDiffWarn | An error occurred while updating the FEL internal state information. The involved file names are provided |
STENG File Event Listener Engine | FEL0075W | ServerWorkerThreadDiffWarn | The FEL has been interrupted while checking file differences on a specific path. The FEL name is provided |
STENG File Event Listener Engine | FEL0076E | ServerWorkerExecuteDirErr | An error occurred during the FEL execution on the check of a specific path. The FEL name is provided |
STENG File Event Listener Engine | FEL0077E | ServerWorkerSaveDirErr | An error occurred while updating the FEL internal state information. The involved file name is provided |
STENG File Event Listener Engine | FEL0080I | ContractTriggering | The FEL is triggering a contract. The FEL name is provided |
STENG File Event Listener Engine | FEL0081I | ContractTriggered | The FEL triggered a contract. The FEL name is provided |
STENG File Event Listener Engine | FEL0082E | ContractTriggerErr | An error occurred during contract triggering. The FEL name is provided |
STENG File Event Listener Engine | FEL0083W | ContractTriggerPollWarn | A warning occurred during contract triggering due to executor maximum parallelism limit. The FEL name is provided. Expected time and lag time are provided |
STENG File Event Listener Engine | FEL0090E | ServerWorkerRemoteErr | An error occurred during the remote configuration loading. A specific error message is provided |
STENG File Event Listener Engine | FEL0091W | ServerWorkerRemoteWarn | The FEL remote listing on a specific path elapsed time has exceeded the polling interval. The expected time and lag time are provided |
STENG File Event Listener Engine | FEL0092W | ServerWorkerRemotePollWarn | The FEL remote listing has exceeded the maximum parallelism. The maximum parallelism and lag time are provided |
STENG File Event Listener Engine | FEL9999I | FEL generic information |
Updated 8 days ago