Runtime configuration
Data Shaper Runtime is one of the architectural layers of Data Shaper Designer. It takes care of running graphs.
The current state of the Data Shaper Runtime can be seen in the right bottom corner of the perspective.
Data Shaper Runtime is configured in the Preferences dialog: open Window > Preferences and choose Data Shaper > Data Shaper Runtime.
The Data Shaper Runtime Configuration can be used to set up:
Temporary Disk Space Settings
The temporary disk space is necessary for debug files. You can store temporary files either into a temporary directory within the workspace directory or into a user-defined directory. -
Engine Configuration
Change max record size, etc. See Engine Configuration. -
Java Runtime Environment to be Used
You may define an alternative JRE to be used. -
Amount of Memory for Java Heap Size
It is important to define some memory size, because the Java Virtual Machine requires memory to run graphs. -
Additional Virtual Machine Parameters
Additional libraries can be added to the classpath.

To take effect of the changes in runtime configuration, restart of Data Shaper Runtime is needed. The runtime menu is accessible in the right bottom corner of Data Shaper window.

- Adding an External Library to Classpath
To add an external library to the Data Shaper runtime's classpath, the -Djava.library.path=path/to/library option should be used.
To add libraries located in C:/path/to/lib, type -Djava.library.path=C:\path\to\lib into the VM parameters field.

- Additional VM Parameter
Server mode (-server)
There are two flavors of JVM: client and server. The client system (default) is optimal for applications which need fast start-up times or small footprints. Switching to server mode is advantageous to long-running applications for which reaching the maximum program execution speed is generally more important than having the fastest possible start-up time. To run the server system, Java Development Kit (JDK) needs to be downloaded.
Updated 12 months ago