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Inheriting Data One context attributes in Data Shaper graph

DOX_* injected graph parameters

When a Data One contract invokes a Data Shaper graph there are several Data Shaper Context (DOX) attributes, prefixed with DOX_ that are automatically injected by Data One without needing to be exposed in the graph as graph parameters by the graph developer.

These injected parameters are internally used by Data Shaper itself and can be used by graph developers within a graph if required.

graph variabledescriptioninternal notes
DOX_CONTRACT_NAMEName of the contract from which the Data Shaper graph is submitter
DOX_CONTRACT_TYPEContract type: "input", "mediation", "output"This variable will be injected in first release but not documented, given that we formally constrain Data Shaper usage to mediations.

On the other hand it can be silently used to enforce this constraint at runtime.
DOX_CONTRACT_ACTIONName of the contract action
DOX_JOBIDData One Job Identifier
DOX_WORKFLOWIDData One Workflow Identifier
DOX_LCIDData One LCID session correlation identifier