Client Connection: HDFS
Fields with the asterisk * are mandatory.
Properties | Description |
NAME * | Name of the HDFS connection you are creating. The maximum number of characters is 128. Blanks and these special characters: ' " | are not supported. |
DESCRIPTION | Description of the HDFS connection you are creating. The maximum number of characters is 2048. |
STATUS | Enable or disable the client connection. Possible values: |
HOST * | Remote host IP Address or hostname. |
PORT * | Port to connect to the remote host (1 to 65535). |
USERNAME * | Username to be used for the connection. The maximum number of characters is 320. |
PASSWORD * | User password. |
CONNECTION TIMEOUT | Number of seconds without network activity to wait before closing a session due to inactivity. Default value: 60. |
KNOX ENDPOINT * | Path or instance of Knox. This information must be provided by the System Administrator. |
KNOX CLUSTER * | In this field, select the Knox topology, i.e. the configuration to access Apache Knox and Hadoop. This information must be provided by the System Administrator. Apache Knox can support one Hadoop Cluster. The configuration of the Hadoop Cluster is defined in a topology deployment descriptor file. |
HDFS AUTHENTICATION * | Select the network authentication protocol. Possible values: |
HDFS KEYTAB | Absolute path of the .keytab file saved on the STENG. E.g.: /etc/kerberos_guest.keytab. |
USE WEB PROTOCOL WITH HDFS | Possible values: Enable this option if HDFS must use a proprietary or HTTP Protocol. Note: if you use KNOX and enable the HDFS USE KNOX option, the HDFS USE WEB PROTOCOL option will be enabled automatically. If you enable only this option, connection to Hadoop can occur either with a proprietary protocol or with HTTP. |
USE KNOX WITH HDFS | If enabled, HDFSS will use Knox. Possible values: Note that if you enable this option, the HDFS USE WEB PROTOCOL option will be enabled automatically. |
MAX RETRIES | Maximum number of retries. If this field is empty or set to 0, no retries will be executed and the job will be set to Failed if the first attempt is not successful. A high value corresponds to a high number of retrying attempts. |
RETRY INTERVAL | This field will appear only if you have set the maximum numbers of retries to 1 or greater. Time (in seconds) waited before retrying executing a job. The lower the value, the more frequent the retrying attempts. If this field is empty or set to 0, no retries will be executed and the job will be set to Failed if the first attempt is not successful. |
Updated 9 months ago