The Monitoring section in the Server Console displays useful information about performance and about the state of the Data Shaper Server and the Data Shaper Cluster.
The landing page of the Monitoring section and the Server Console is the Operations Dashboard.
The Resources section of the standalone Server has a slightly different design from the Cluster environment - the Server-view is the same as the view on a specific node in Cluster environment.
The section is refreshed every 10 seconds. The page can also be refreshed manually by clicking the Refresh button.
The Resources page displays information about resources and the performance of the Data Shaper Server. The information is grouped in several panels and refreshed every 10 seconds. The following panels are displayed by default:
- Resource Utilization
- Worker and System
- Performance
- Status History

Resource Utilization
The Resource Utilization panel shows the amount of used System memory, System disk swap, Server Core heap memory, Server Core non-heap memory, Worker heap memory and Worker non-heap memory.

Worker and System
The Worker and System sections contain basic information about the Worker and the operating system.

Performance Tab
The Performance tab displays three line charts: Running jobs, Heap memory and CPU load. By placing the mouse over the charts, you can see a detailed tooltip of a selected point in time. For better readability, you can enable/disable individual lines in the graphs by clicking their label below the respective graphs. You can select the time interval by using the mouse scroll wheel or by using the slider at the bottom of the screen. The slider allows you to set the start and the end of the time interval individually. By default, the maximum time interval for the charts in the Performance tab is 24 hours. The value can be changed using the cluster.node.sendinfo.stats.interval property.
Running Jobs
This line chart displays the number of currently running jobs.

Heap Memory
The Heap memory chart displays the amount of used up Server and Worker heap memory.
Note that the heap memory is constantly oscillating, even in idle state, since it is periodically managed by the JVM garbage collector (i.e. the temporary data required for running the Data Shaper Server and the Worker is periodically removed from/allocated to the heap memory).

CPU Load
The CPU chart displays information about the Server Core, the Worker and the System CPU load.

Status History
The Status History panel displays a node status history since the last restart of the Server.

Server Logs
The Server Logs tab allows you to investigate log messages logged on other Cluster nodes. Since the log messages are collected in the memory, the maximum number of collected messages is relatively low by default. It is however customizable.
There are different "Log types":
- COMMON - Ordinary server logs as stored in log files. It contains information on successful and unsuccessful logins, start and end of job execution etc.
- WORKER - Worker related log.
The log file is${}/cloverlogs/worker-[node_name].log
. - CLUSTER - Only Cluster-related messages are visible in this log. It contains information on job delegation and other types of messages related to Cluster communication.
- AUDIT - Detail logging of operations called on the Data Shaper Server Core. Since the full logging may affect server performance, it is disabled by default.
The log file is${}/cloverlogs/user-action.log
. - USER_ACTION - Contains some user operations, e.g. login, logout, user creation, job execution, file synchronization (upload to server).
The corresponding log file is${}/cloverlogs/user-action.log
. - SERVER_INTERACTION - Interaction between Designer and Server.
The log file is${}/cloverlogs/server-integration.log

Updated over 1 year ago