Run configuration
Run Configuration is per graph configuration of an execution of a particular graph. Each graph can have one or more Run Configuration(s).
Run configuration is accessible from the main menu Run > Run Configurations.
Run Configuration vs Data Shaper Runtime
Run configuration is per graph configuration. It can override graph parameters, change the debug level, etc. It cannot change JVM settings or define external libraries to be used.
Data Shaper Runtime configuration is per workspace configuration. It can change JVM settings (e.g. heap size) or specify external libraries to be used.
Since introduction of Data Shaper Runtime, the majority of graph configuration is done per workspace using Runtime Configuration. See Runtime Configuration.
Main Tab
Select Run Configurations from the context menu and set up the options in the Main tab.

You can check some checkboxes that define the following Program arguments:
Log level (-loglevel )
Defines one of the following: ALL | TRACE | DEBUG | INFO | WARN | ERROR | FATAL | OFF
Default Log level is INFO
for Data Shaper Designer, but DEBUG
for Data Shaper Engine.
Skip checkConfig (-skipcheckconfig)
Skips checking the graph configuration before running the graph.
Delete obsolete temp files
NOTE: When you execute a graph from Designer, the DEBUG
mode is always invoked, which is why the temp files are kept on the Server.
Parameters Tab
On the Parameters tab, you can override graph parameter values. This lets you run the graph with different parameter values, e.g. for testing purposes.

Refresh Tab
On the Refresh tab, you can specify resources to be refreshed after the execution of the graph. This configuration is per graph. If you need configuration of refresh per project, see Refresh Operation.

Updated about 1 year ago