... run searches in Data Watcher
Simple Searches
Text Search
In the edit box, enter the text, e.g. a filename. The names of the Saved Queries described here will appear at the top of the search hint list. Then, click the Search button on the right to run your query.
You can activate the Autorefresh button to have the Flow Board updated automatically.
Search by Date
Entering a date, the system will propose you to search since that day to the current day or up to the specified day:
- gg/mm/yyyy[since]: this query will search for flows from the selected date until today. For example, entering 18/12/2023 [since] will retrieve all results from December 18th up to the current date.
- gg/mm/yyyy[until]: this query will search for flows up to the selected date. For example, entering 20/12/2023 [until] will retrieve all results up to December 20th.
These options can be used together to search for flows in the interval specified, e.g. from December 18th 2023 to December 20th 2023 as shown in the figure below:
Search by Status
- successfully[status]: this query will search for all flows having Integrity Status OK.
- error[status]: this query will search for all flows having Integrity Status ERROR.
- running[status]: this query will search for all flows having Integrity Status RUNNING.
Search by Business Status
The Business Status depends on the status of cut-offs applied to the flow events:
- onschedule[business]: this query will search for flows in status completed, successful and on schedule
- pending[business]: this query will search for flows in status to be completed
- warning[business]: this query will search for flows nearly to the deadline
- error[business]: this query will search for flows uncompleted or completed after the scheduled time
For more details refer to sections Dataflow Inquiry and Setting Cut-offs.
The autocomplete function will provide suggestions while you type into the Search field. As shown in the following figure, the successfully[status] value is automatically proposed.
Search by Flow Source
Click the Flow Source link, to drill down results.
The Flow Source will be added automatically to the Search field.
Search by Attribute Value
Clicking an Attribute Value, it will be added automatically to the Search field. Attributes are configured by the Administrator, as described in Dataflow Attributes.
For example, in the figure below the PDF value has been added to the Search bar.
As an alternative, you can start typing an attribute in the Search field and the autocomplete function will propose the value starting with the typed letters.
Multiple search keys can be combined, separated by a space:
For further information and advanced query features, read the following pages.
Advanced Searches: the Data Watcher Query Language
Data Watcher Query Language (DWQL) can be used in the Flow Inquiry section search bar to run a search query string on a product managed entity.
This section covers the basics of DWQL as applicable to dataflow instance entity.
Language reference
Literals are constant values that a user specifies in a DWQL query, for instance a filename "myfile.txt" is literal.
Generally, literals containing blanks/spaces must be enclosed in double quotation marks, otherwise each space-separated substring is considered a distinct literal on its own.
DWQL supports typed literals with specific semantics as shown in the table below:
Type of literal | Example | Description |
stringLiteral | invoices "Monthly Invoices" "monthly invoices" | stringLiterals are a simple sequence of characters that will be used for full string match in a case insensitive fashion |
csstringLiteral | invoices "Monthly Invoices" "monthly invoices" | csstringLiterals are a simple sequence of characters that will be used for full string match in a case sensitive fashion |
wcstringLiteral | 'Los?Angeles' 'Los *geles' | wcstringLiterals are a simple sequence of characters and "?" / "*" wildcards metacharacters that will be used for case insensitive string match honoring "?" / "*" wildcards. The single quote character, the question mark, the asterisk and the backslash appearing in the input string as payload must be escaped with a backslash, i.e.: \' \? \* \\ |
stemstringLiteral | stemstringLiterals, are a simple sequence of characters that will be used for full string match, in a case insensitive fashion and in a diacritic insensitive fashion (e.g. "perche" matches "Perché" and "wurstel" matches "Würstel") | |
wcstemstringLiteral | wcstemstringLiterals, are a simple sequence of characters and wildcards (see also wcstringLiteral definition) that will be used for full string match, in a case insensitive fashion and in a diacritic insensitive fashion (e.g. "perche" matches "Perché" and "wurstel" matches "Würstel"). | |
stemprefixstringLiteral | stemprefixstringLiterals, are a simple sequence of characters that will be used for full string and prefix string match, in a case insensitive fashion and in a diacritic insensitive fashion (e.g. "perche" matches "Perché sì" and "wurstel" matches "Würstel Weiner"). | |
wcstemprefixstringLiteral | wcstemprefixstringLiterals, are a simple sequence of characters and wildcards (see also wcstringLiteral definition) that will be used for full string and prefix string match, in a case insensitive fashion and in a diacritic insensitive fashion (e.g. "perche" matches "Perché sì" and "wurstel" matches "Würstel Weiner") | |
timestampLiteral | 01/12/2018 "01/12/2018 12:28" "01/12/2018 12:28:42" "01/12/2018 12:28:42 +0100" | timestampLiterals express a date and a time in the form "dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss ±hh:mm". The time of the day can be specified with or without seconds. In time ranges, 00 seconds are assumed by default for the lower boundary and 59 for the upper boundary. The time of the day can be completely omitted. In time ranges, by default 00:00:00 time is assumed for the lower boundary and 23:59:59 for the upper boundary. Time zone specification can be omitted. By default, the client timezone is used, if available, otherwise the server time zone is used |
timeoffsetLiteral | "last 7 days" "last 6 hours" "last 42 minutes" | Time offset literals express a time duration in the form "last number unitOfMeasure" where unitOfMeasure is one of "days", "hours" or "minutes" |
Free text search clause
A free text search clause is simply a stemStringLiteral or wcstringLiteral that will be used to match any indexed field of dataflow instances.
Semantic Search Clause | Example | Description |
stemprefixstringLiteral | "my file.txt" | For example, the simple DQQL query "myfile.txt" will match all dataflow instances having an indexed attribute with value "myfile.txt" or starting with "myfile.txt" (e.g.: "myFile.TXT.previousversion.zip"). |
wcstemprefixstringLiteral | 'my?file.txt' | For example, the simple DQQL query 'my?file.txt' will match all dataflow instances having an indexed attribute with value "my file.txt" and also those starting with a value matching 'my?file.txt'. |
Semantic search clauses
Semantic search clauses match specific attributes of dataflow instances and are expressed in the form of literal[searchScope]. supported semantic search clauses are listed in the table below:
Semantic Search Clause | Example | Description |
stringLiteral[status] | running[status] successfully[status] error[status] | The status clause search scope matches the physical status value of a dataflow instance specified in the literal; allowed values are: - running - successfully - warning - error |
stringLiteral[business] | pending[business] warning[business] onschedule[business] error[business] onschedule-after-cutoff[business] | The business clause search scope matches the business status value of a dataflow instance specified in the literal; allowed values are: - pending - warning - onschedule - error - onschedule-after-cutoff Only dataflow instances associated to a dataflow model and a cutoff definition have a non null business status. |
stemstringLiteral[entity] wcstemstringLiteral[entity] | QMGR01[entity] 'dailyreport_2022-08-??'[entity] | The entity clause search scope matches all dataflow instances that have the specified stemstringLiteral / wcstemstringLiteral as a as an data entity, e.g. a file, managed by that dataflow instance (as an input, as an output or in an intermediate stage of the processing). |
stemstringLiteral[system] wcstemstringLiteral[system] | QMGR01[system] 'data*'[system] | The system clause search scope matches all dataflow instances that have the specified stemstringLiteral / wcstemstringLiteral as a monitored system. |
stemstringLiteral[source] wcstemstringLiteral[source] | QMGR01[source] 'data*'[source] | The source clause search scope matches all dataflow instances that have the specified stemstringLiteral / wcstemstringLiteral as a source of information. Source systems may or may not be monitored system, in some cases their existence is simply detected from a monitored system when it interacts with a remote non-monitored source system. |
stemstringLiteral[destination] wcstemstringLiteral[destination] | QMGR01[destination] 'data*'[destination] | The destination clause search scope matches all dataflow instances that have the specified stemstringLiteral / wcstemstringLiteral as a destination of information. Destination systems may or may not be monitored system, in some cases their existence is simply detected from a monitored system when it interacts with a remote non-monitored destination system. |
stemstringLiteral[model] wcstemstringLiteral[model] | "SFO Invoices"[model] "SFO*"[model] | The model clause search scope matches all dataflow instances that have a model named as the specified stemstringLiteral / wcstemstringLiteral. |
timestampLiteral[since] | 01/12/2018[since] "01/12/2018 12:28"[since] "01/12/2018 12:28:42"[since] "01/12/2018 12:28:42 +0100"[since] | The since clause search scope matches all dataflow instances that have finished at or after the specified timestampLiteral. |
timestampLiteral[until] | 01/12/2018[until] "01/12/2018 12:28"[until] "01/12/2018 12:28:42"[until] "01/12/2018 12:28:42 +0100"[until] | The since clause search scope matches all dataflow instances that have started at or after the specified timestampLiteral. |
timeoffsetLiteral[time] | "last 7 days"[time] "last 6 hours"[time] "last 42 minutes"[time] | The time clause search scope matches all dataflow instances that have finished in the previous timeoffsetLiteral days/hours/minutes from the time the DWQL query is executed. |
stringLiteral[match] | has-dataflow[match] without-model[match] with-model[match] | Filters on dataflow instance specific stringLiteral metadata; allowed values are: - has-dataflow: matches all dataflow instances of a Data One native dataflow - with-model[match]: matches all dataflow instances having a model associated - without-model[match]: matches all dataflow instances having not having a model associated. |
stemstringLiteral[csstringLiteral] wcstemstringLiteral[csstringLiteral] | PDF[docType] secret[privacy] B4218[branchId] NYC[plantName] 'sales-2021*'[stats] | Data Watcher allows flow model enrichment with custom user-defined model attributes; when these attributes are defined, DWQL is automatically extended with a new search scope named as the attribute, for each available attribute. For instance, if a plantName attribute is defined, having values like "NYC", "LAX" and "SFO", you can match all instances matching a model that have plantName=NYC by specifying a NYC[plantName] clause. Unlike the previously discussed clause search scopes, these scopes are inherently dynamic as they depend on the availability of user-defined flow model attributes. Literal strings between square bracket must not be quoted using double quote char, if attribute names contain blank chars they must be replaced with underscore, for example if there is an attribute named "Business Unit", the resulting search clause will look like "Research and develop"[Business_Unit]. |
stringLiteral[flowId] | 5fc8e0cead92575f34d843b1[flowId] | Selection of a specific flow by its unique Data Watcher-generated internal id. |
stemstringLiteral[dataflow] wcstemstringLiteral[dataflow] | "Daily Payroll"[dataflow] 73a4b441[dataflow] | The dataflow clause search scope matches all dataflow instances that have been natively modeled in as a Data One native dataflow and have stringLiteral as name or as identifier, so "myname[dataflow]" query is equivalent to "(myname[dataflowName] OR myname[dataflowId)" query. |
stringLiteral[dataflowId] | 66ff3d37-bfcb-47e6-a1b2-63b50d1f9572[dataflowId] | Selection of a specific flow by its unique Data Watcher-generated internal id (a.k.a. DFIID). |
Query option clauses
DWQL language allows for query options, which influence how the query is executed, rather than what the query returns.
From a syntax point of view, a query option is a special search clause having a semantic search scope prefixed by "opt-" that appears top level (i.e. not nested) in a query in implicit or explicit AND with other top level clauses.
Query option | Example | Description |
stringLiteral[opt-ttlsecs] | 180[opt-ttlsecs] | This query option limits the time allowed for the query to complete to stringLiteral seconds. When such time expires, the query is forcibly aborted, and an error is returned. For example, 180[opt-ttlsecs] sets such a limit to three minutes. |
Logical operators and expression nesting
A DWQL query is an expression made of "AND" / "OR" logical operators, case sensitive, wired together with "(" / ")" balanced parentheses having DWQL clauses as operands.
On top of the explicit "AND" operator, also the implicit "AND" operator is supported. This means that if a sequence of two or more clauses appears in a DWQQL query without any logical operator in between, an "AND" operator is assumed.
Considerations about performance
The execution time of a query is mainly influenced by two factors:
- Size of the underlying database, i.e. the quantity of dataflow instances stored in the database
- The computational complexity of the query itself
The complexity of the query is mainly influenced by two factors:
- The number of documents that need to be scanned and returned
- DWQL queries are designed to take advantage of indexes, but on very large databases even the scanning of an index can be costly
- The filter clauses applied to string values
- As a general rule, a full string match (i.e. stringLiteral and stemstringLiteral) or prefix match (i.e. stemprefixstringLiteral) can be much more performant than its counterpart allowing wildcards based pattern matching (i.e. wcstemstringLiteral and wcstemprefixstringLiteral)
- Moreover, not all wildcard patterns have the same weight, as a general rule a pattern including multiple wildcards and/or including a wildcard at the beginning of the string can be very costly
Performance optimization tips:
- Set a sensible retention policy for the data in your database
- You can regularly run Data Watcher data cleaner command (mongodb-cleaner.sh) to implement your policy
- Limit the number of returned documents by filtering them up-front
- In most common Data Watcher scenarios, an effective way of restricting the number documents/indexes entries to be analyzed is to add sensible time based clauses to the query (e.g. "last 3 hours"[time])
- Express your query with semantic search clauses instead of free text search clauses, when possible
- As a general rule, semantic search clauses are underpinned by more selective indexes
- Express filters on string values in the simplest form possible
- Don't use wildcards if you don't need to
- Express your wildcard filter in a simple form
Finally, if you really do need to run a complex query but the default time allowed for a query to complete it is not enough, you can allow for more time using the previously discussed [opt-ttlsecs] query options.
DWQL query: invoice
Description: this query returns all dataflow instances having at least one value in its indexed field starting with "invoice".
DWQL query: invoice AND payroll
Description: this query returns all dataflow instances having both "invoice" and "payroll" as value of an indexed field.
This example gives the same results as the following one, which uses the AND operator implicitly.
DWQL query: invoice payroll
Description: this query returns all dataflow instances having both "invoice" and "payroll" as value of an indexed field.
Compared to the previous example, this example uses the AND operator implicitly.
DWQL query: 'MonthlySales-2021-??.txt'[entity] 180[opt-ttlsecs]
Description: this query returns all dataflow instances that contain a file name conforming to the pattern 'MontlySales-2021-??.txt', and allow 3 minutes of time for the query to complete before aborting.
DWQL query: myfile1.txt AND mymodel1
Description: this query returns all dataflow instances having both myfile1.txt and mymodel1 as value of an indexed field.
DWQL query: "SFO Invoices"[model] AND (warning[business] OR error[business]) AND "last 45 minutes"[time]
Description: this query returns all dataflow instances associated to "SFO Invoices" model and having experienced a cut-off warning or a cut-off error in the last 45 minutes.
DWQL query: myfile1.txt AND error[status] AND "last 2 hours"[time]
Description: this query returns all dataflow instances having myfile1.txt as value of an indexed field that have experienced an error in the last two hours.
DWQL query: (ACMESERVER[system] OR ACMESERVER[source] OR ACMESERVER[destination] ) AND "last 2 hours"[time]
Description: this query matches all dataflow instances terminated in the last 2 hours and involving "ACMESERVER" system in each possible role (monitored, non-monitored, source or destination).
Updated 7 months ago