File Manager and VFS

The structure of the folders listed in File Manager is the structure of the VFS associated with the Partner in Data One.

A minimal configuration is needed:

  1. The User (username and password) logging into File Manager must belong to the Partner in Data One/Partner/USER tab.
  2. 1119
  3. A VFS must be defined and the Partner must have access to it.
  4. 1244
  5. A Contract Connection to an HTTP server must exist and the User must have access to the VFS of the Partner.
  6. 1134
When the configuration is set, the folders shown in Data One are the same folders shown in File Manager. Folders added to Data One will appear in File Manager if they belong to the same root and if the user has permissions to see them. 2187

Files are shown both in File Manager and in Data One going to Monitoring > Search File by Actor and selecting the Partner and the VFS.