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Client Connection: SFTP

Fields with the asterisk * are mandatory.

NAME *Name of the SFTP connection you are creating. The maximum number of characters is 128. Blanks and these special characters: ' " | are not supported.
DESCRIPTIONDescription of the SFTP connection you are creating. The maximum number of characters is 2048.
STATUSEnable or disable the client connection. Possible values:

  • Enabled (default value)
  • Disabled
  • HOST *Remote host IP Address or hostname.
    PORT *Port to connect to the remote host (1 to 65535).
    USERNAME *Username to be used for the connection. The maximum number of characters is 320.
    PASSWORD *User password.
    CONNECTION TIMEOUTNumber of seconds without network activity to wait before closing a session due to inactivity.
    Default value: 60.

  • CONNECTION MODE *How data connection is established, possible values:

  • ACTIVE (default value)
    When setting the “Active mode file transfer”, the client will establish a control connection to the server and the server will establish a data connection back to the client.
    With “Passive mode file transfer”, the client will establish both a control connection and a data connection to the server.
  • CONNECT THROUGH DMZEnable or disable DMZ proxy. Possible values:

  • Enabled
  • Disabled (default value)
  • CLIENT KEY LABELKey identifier to create the SSL connection
    ACCEPTED CIPHER SUITESSelect the cipher suites.
    ALL or specific values in the drop-down list (See ACCEPTED CIPHER SUITES):

  • ALL
    • CTR_3DES
    • CTR_AES128
    • CTR_AES192
    • CTR_AES256
    • CBC_3DES
    • CBC_AES128
    • CBC_AES192
    • CBC_AES256
    • ARCFOUR128
    • ARCFOUR256
  • MAC ALGORITHMS Select the MAC SSH algorithms: ALL or specific values in the drop-down list.

  • ALL
    • HMAC_MD5
    • HMAC_SHA1
    • HMAC_MD5_96
    • HMAC_SHA1_96
    • HMAC_SHA256
    • HMAC_SHA2_256
    • HMAC_SHA2_512
  • KEY EXCHANGE ALGORITHMSSelect the SSH Key Exchange algorithms: ALL or specific values in the drop-down list.
  • ALL

    • ECDH_SHA2_NISTP256
    • ECDH_SHA2_NISTP384
    • ECDH_SHA2_NISTP521
    • CURVE25519_SHA256
    • 🚀
  • SESSION TIMEOUT Define the number of seconds without network activity to wait before closing a session due to inactivity. Default value: 60.
    READ BUFFER SIZE Dimension of the buffer when reading a file on the SSH Channel.
    Default: 65536 bytes
    The values accepted are 32, 64 and 128 kb.
    WRITE BUFFER SIZE Dimension of the buffer when writing a file on the SSH Channel.
    Default: 32768 bytes
    The values accepted are 32, 64 and 128 kb.
    AUXILIARY BUFFER SIZE Dimension of the auxiliary buffer when reading or writing a file in the DataOne VFS
    Default: 8192 bytes
    MAX RETRIESMaximum number of retries. If this field is empty or set to 0, no retries will be executed and the job will be set to Failed if the first attempt is not successful. A high value corresponds to a high number of retrying attempts.
    RETRY INTERVAL This field will appear only if you have set the maximum numbers of retries to 1 or greater.
    Time (in seconds) waited before retrying executing a job. The lower the value, the more frequent the retrying attempts. If this field is empty or set to 0, no retries will be executed and the job will be set to Failed if the first attempt is not successful.
    CONFIGURATION TEST Use this section to test that the Cluster and the STENG are connected correctly. Select a Cluster and a STENG you want to test and click the TEST button. Data One automatically selects a Cluster and a STENG to test the connection. Note that a Cluster will be selected only if it is the only one available.
    A message with a green check will confirm a successful connection. A message with a red exclamation mark will warn about an unsuccessful connection. The message also details the reason why the connection fails.
    The connection might not be successful for different reasons, each of them depending on the transport type and the configuration.
    The first time you try to test the connection, if trusting certificates are missing, an error message detailing the unsuccessful connection will appear. In this case, go to Setup → Untrusted Cache → Certificates tab and trust the relevant certificates.
    Note that trusting certificates in the Untrusted Cache page may not be sufficient to establish a successful connection. Refer to the Untrusted Cache section of this guide for all the details.

    The rsa-sha2-256 and rsa-sha2-512 signing algorithms (also called HostKeyAlgorithms) are included in the list of supported ssh-rsa and ssh-dss algorithms.
    They are hard-coded, so they cannot be configured.