dataonedb.cfg reference - NEW 🚀
All relevant database configuration parameters used by <DOIM_HOME>/bin/
(all details on the reference page), are stored in the <DOIM_HOME>/config/dataonedb.cfg
file, with the notable exception of password values that are interactively collected using a masked prompt.
The database configuration is driven by the properties contained in <DOIM_HOME>/config/dataonedb.cfg
described in the table below.
Property name | Data One 1.20 DMCFG equivalent property name | Description |
db_type | Database type. Possible values: oracle, postgresql. | |
db_uri | n/a | Database connection URI expressed in the syntax that is appropriate for your database client CLI. The name of the database or service can be expressed with the symbolic token $ceman_db_name that will be expanded at runtime with the actual value designated by ceman_db_name configuration parameter.Example for Oracle (NOTE: double quotes required): "(DESCRIPTION=(CONNECT_TIMEOUT=5)(RETRY_COUNT=3)(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=lab-pipe05-ub20)(PORT=1521))(LOAD_BALANCE=NO)(FAILOVER=ON))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=$ceman_db_name)))" Example for PostgreSQL: postgresql://$ceman_db_name?target_session_attrs=read-write |
db_default_tbsp_path | Default absolute path for tablespaces on the database server machine. Any tablespace file name or tablespace path name mentioned in this configuration file not qualified by an absolute path, it will be prefixed with this default tablespace path value. | |
dba_usr | n/a | Existing database user with DBA authority, it will be used to create all the database objects used by Data One; this user is NOT used at runtime by the product. |
ceman_db_name | embedded in CEMAN_DB_URL | Database name or service name. For Oracle it must be an already existing database or service. For PostgreSQL it must be a non-existing database, the script will create it automatically. This value is used in to expand the $ceman_db_name symbolic token in db_uri . |
ceman_db_admin_usr (PostgreSQL-only) | This parameter only applies to PostgreSQL database. Database user having full administrative rights on product schemas designated by ceman_core_db_schema (already existing in Data One 1.10) and ceman_iam_db_schema (newly introduced with Data One 1.20) configuration parameters.The password for this user will be interactively prompted at runtime. This user will never be used at runtime. This parameter does NOT apply to Oracle because an administration user named as the schema is automatically created by the system for each schema, at schema creation time (see ceman_core_db_schema and ceman_iam_db_schema for more details). | |
ceman_db_usr | CEMAN_DB_USER | Data One application user. The password of this user will be interactively prompted at runtime. The same value must be configured in these DMCFG properties, respectively: CEMAN_DB_USR and CEMAN_DB_PSW .This user will operate on both CEMAN database schemas, namely ceman_core_db_schema (already existing in Data One 1.10) and ceman_iam_db_schema (newly introduced with Data One 1.20) described below. |
ceman_core_db_schema | ceman_db_schema | Database schema used for CEMAN-core database object, this schema will be automatically created by the script. The password for this user will be interactively prompted at runtime. The Oracle user corresponding to this schema will never be used at runtime by the product, which will exclusively use ceman_db_usr . |
ceman_iam_db_schema | KEYCLOAK_DB_SCHEMA | Database schema used for CEMAN-IAM database object, this schema will be automatically created by the script. For Oracle database a user with the same name as the schema will also be created; the password for this user will be interactively prompted at runtime. The Oracle user corresponding to this schema will never be used at runtime by the product, which will exclusively use ceman_db_usr . |
ceman_core_db_tbsp_ge_data_name | n/a | CEMAN-core general data tablespace name. |
ceman_core_db_tbsp_ge_data_filepath | n/a | CEMAN-core general data tablespace path or filename. For PostgreSQL database this parameter indicates the path where the database server will create the tablespace data file; when this parameter is left blank db_default_tbsp_path will be used.For Oracle database this parameter indicates the tablespace data file, if the specified value is not a file name qualified by an absolute path, it will be automatically prefixed with db_default_tbsp_path parameter value. If the parameter is left blank altogether, a file named as the tablespace with a ".dbf" extension in directory db_default_tbsp_path will be assumed as default. |
ceman_core_db_tbsp_ge_indexes_name | n/a | CEMAN-core general indexes tablespace name. |
ceman_core_db_tbsp_ge_indexes_filepath | n/a | CEMAN-core general indexes tablespace path or filename. For PostgreSQL database this parameter indicates the path where the database server will create the tablespace data file; when this parameter is left blank db_default_tbsp_path will be used.For Oracle database this parameter indicates the tablespace data file, if the specified value is not a file name qualified by an absolute path, it will be automatically prefixed with db_default_tbsp_path parameter value. If the parameter is left blank altogether, a file named as the tablespace with a ".dbf" extension in directory db_default_tbsp_path will be assumed as default. |
ceman_core_db_tbsp_ru_data_name | n/a | CEMAN-core runtime data tablespace name. |
ceman_core_db_tbsp_ru_data_filepath | n/a | CEMAN-core runtime data tablespace path or filename. For PostgreSQL database this parameter indicates the path where the database server will create the tablespace data file; when this parameter is left blank db_default_tbsp_path will be used.For Oracle database this parameter indicates the tablespace data file, if the specified value is not a file name qualified by an absolute path, it will be automatically prefixed with db_default_tbsp_path parameter value. If the parameter is left blank altogether, a file named as the tablespace with a ".dbf" extension in directory db_default_tbsp_path will be assumed as default. |
ceman_core_db_tbsp_ru_indexes_name | n/a | CEMAN-core runtime indexes tablespace name. |
ceman_core_db_tbsp_ru_indexes_filepath | n/a | CEMAN-core runtime indexes tablespace path or filename. For PostgreSQL database this parameter indicates the path where the database server will create the tablespace data file; when this parameter is left blank db_default_tbsp_path will be used.For Oracle database this parameter indicates the tablespace data file, if the specified value is not a file name qualified by an absolute path, it will be automatically prefixed with db_default_tbsp_path parameter value. If the parameter is left blank altogether, a file named as the tablespace with a ".dbf" extension in directory db_default_tbsp_path will be assumed as default. |
ceman_core_db_tbsp_hi_data_name | n/a | CEMAN-core history data tablespace name. |
ceman_core_db_tbsp_hi_data_filepath | n/a | CEMAN-core history data tablespace path or filename. For PostgreSQL database this parameter indicates the path where the database server will create the tablespace data file; when this parameter is left blank db_default_tbsp_path will be used.For Oracle database this parameter indicates the tablespace data file, if the specified value is not a file name qualified by an absolute path, it will be automatically prefixed with db_default_tbsp_path parameter value. If the parameter is left blank altogether, a file named as the tablespace with a ".dbf" extension in directory db_default_tbsp_path will be assumed as default. |
ceman_core_db_tbsp_hi_indexes_name | n/a | CEMAN-core history indexes tablespace name. |
ceman_core_db_tbsp_hi_indexes_filepath | n/a | CEMAN-core history indexes tablespace path or filename. For PostgreSQL database this parameter indicates the path where the database server will create the tablespace data file; when this parameter is left blank db_default_tbsp_path will be used.For Oracle database this parameter indicates the tablespace data file, if the specified value is not a file name qualified by an absolute path, it will be automatically prefixed with db_default_tbsp_path parameter value. If the parameter is left blank altogether, a file named as the tablespace with a ".dbf" extension in directory db_default_tbsp_path will be assumed as default. |
ceman_iam_db_tbsp_ge_data_name | n/a | CEMAN-IAM general data and indexes tablespace name. |
ceman_iam_db_tbsp_ge_data_filepath | n/a | CEMAN-IAM general data and indexes tablespace path or filename. For PostgreSQL database this parameter indicates the path where the database server will create the tablespace data file; when this parameter is left blank db_default_tbsp_path will be used.For Oracle database this parameter indicates the tablespace data file, if the specified value is not a file name qualified by an absolute path, it will be automatically prefixed with db_default_tbsp_path parameter value. If the parameter is left blank altogether, a file named as the tablespace with a ".dbf" extension in directory db_default_tbsp_path will be assumed as default. |
Updated 5 months ago