When do I use the Keys tab?

The Keys tab lists keys not yet trusted. This section must be used when:

  1. Data One SFTP Client connects to an external SFTP server:
    • If not already trusted, the key exposed by the external server is saved.
NameThe syntax of the name is:
[key hash]-[ip and port used for remote connection]-S.pub
Subject DNThis column displays the IP and port used for remote connection
TypeSSH Host Key is displayed in this column
  1. Data One SFTP Server receives a connection from an external SFTP client:
    • If this client is not already trusted, its key is saved in this repository.
NameThe syntax of the name is:
[key hash]-[user]-C.pub
Subject DNThis column displays the username of the SFTP client
TypeSSH User Key is displayed in this column