Log In




POST /2.0/login/basic

Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded.
Description: It allows the login.
Request body
Form parameters: username and password.

curl -v 'http://domain/2.0/login/basic' \
 -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8' \
 -d 'username=part1&password=partner1'


HTTP Status codeDescriptionResponse exampleNotes
200SUCCESSCookies to pass as headers in other APICookies returned are:
401Authentication Error{
"message":"Invalid username or password",
404Missing Parameters{
"message":"No username or password",



PUT /2.0/files/

Content-Type: multipart/form-data.
Description: To be used to upload files.
Request body
file: The content of the file to upload with type. (application/octet-stream or text/plain).
Upload 'file1.txt' in folder 'in'

curl -i -X PUT "https://domain/2.0/files/in/file1.txt" \
 -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" \
 -F 'file=@<FILE_NAME>;type=application/octet-stream'


HTTP Status codeDescriptionResponse exampleNotes
"message":"Upload successful",
"fileset": ,
id : long value that represents the file

Timestamp: UTC representation of the response creation using ISO-8601
400No filename provided{
"message":"No filename specified",
Example if specified only path of folder.

Timestamp: UTC representation of the response creation using ISO-8601
400Missing parameters or syntax error{
"message":"Missing parameters or syntax error",
Example if metadata has syntax error or content-type header is missing.

Timestamp: UTC representation of the response creation using ISO-8601
401Connection contract not configured{
"message":"Connection contract not configured",
Timestamp: UTC representation of the response creation using ISO-8601
401Authentication error{
"message":"Invalid username or password",
Messages depends on authentication type.
timestamp: UTC representation of the response creation using ISO-8601
403No write permission{
"message":"No write permission",
Timestamp: UTC representation of the response creation using ISO-8601
404Path not found{
"message":"Path '' doesn't exist",
Timestamp: UTC representation of the response creation using ISO-8601

Upload with metadata

POST /2.0/files/

Content-Type: multipart/form-data.
Description: To be used to upload files with metadata.
Request body
metadata: List of metadata associated to file in JSON format.
file: The content of the file to upload with type. (application/octet-stream or text/plain)

curl -i -X POST 'https://domain/2.0/files/in/file1.txt' \
  -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" \
  -F 'metadata={"GENERIC.NAME1":"Value1", "GENERIC.NAME2":"Value2", "CORRELATIONID":"CORR1"}' \
  -F 'file=@file1.txt;type=application/octet-stream'


HTTP Status codeDescriptionResponse exampleNotes
"message":"Upload successful",
"fileset": ,
id: long value that represents the file
400No filename provided{
"message":"No filename specified",
Example if specified only path of folder.
400Missing parameters or syntax error{
"message":"Missing parameters or syntax error",
Example if metadata has syntax error or content-type header is missing.
401Connection contract not configured{
"message":"Connection contract not configured",
Messages depends on authentication type.
401Authentication error{
"message":"Invalid username or password",
403No write permission{
"message":"No write permission",
404Path not found{
"message":"Path '' doesn't exist",


GET /2.0/files/

Description: To be used to download files.

curl -i -X GET 'https://domain/2.0/files/out/test1.txt’ \
   -o download_file.txt


HTTP Status codeDescriptionResponse exampleNotes
200SUCCESSContent of file
400No filename provided{
"message":"No filename specified",
Example if specified only path of folder
Timestamp: UTC representation of the response creation using ISO-8601
401Connection contract not configured{
"message":"Connection contract not configured",
Timestamp: UTC representation of the response creation using ISO-8601
401Authentication error{
"message":"Invalid username or password",
Messages depends on authentication type.

Timestamp: UTC representation of the response creation using ISO-8601
403No download permission{
"message":"No read permission",
Timestamp: UTC representation of the response creation using ISO-8601
404File not found{
"message":"File '' doesn't exist",
Timestamp: UTC representation of the response creation using ISO-8601
404Path not found{
"message":"Path '' doesn't exist",
Timestamp: UTC representation of the response creation using ISO-8601


DELETE /2.0/files/

Description: To be used to delete files.

curl -i -X DELETE 'https://domain/2.0/files/out/test1c.txt


HTTP Status codeDescriptionResponse exampleNotes
"message":"File deleted",
id : long value that represents the file
Timestamp: UTC representation of the response creation using ISO-8601
400Missing param or syntax error{
"message":"missing param or syntax error",
Timestamp: UTC representation of the response creation using ISO-8601
401Connection contract not configured{
"message":"Connection contract not configured",
Timestamp: UTC representation of the response creation using ISO-8601
401Authentication error{
"message":"Invalid username or password",
Messages depends on authentication type.
timestamp: UTC representation of the response creation using ISO-8601
403No delete permission{
"message":"No delete permission",
Timestamp: UTC representation of the response creation using ISO-8601
404File not found{
"message":"File '' doesn't exist",
Timestamp: UTC representation of the response creation using ISO-8601
404Path not found{
"message":"Path '' doesn't exist",
Timestamp: UTC representation of the response creation using ISO-8601



GET /2.0/fileset/

Description: To be used to download files using fileset id.

curl -i -X GET 'https://domain/2.0/fileset/342345’ \
   -o download_file.txt


HTTP Status codeDescriptionResponse exampleNotes
200SUCCESSContent of file
400No fileset provided{
"message":"No fileset specified",
Timestamp: UTC representation of the response creation using ISO-8601
401Connection contract not configured{
"message":"Connection contract not configured",
Timestamp: UTC representation of the response creation using ISO-8601
401Authentication error{
"message":"Invalid username or password",
Messages depends on authentication type.
Timestamp: UTC representation of the response creation using ISO-8601
403No download permission{
"message":"No read permission",
Timestamp: UTC representation of the response creation using ISO-8601
404File not found{
"message":" doesn't exist",
Timestamp: UTC representation of the response creation using ISO-8601


DELETE /2.0/fileset/

Description: To be used to delete files using fileset id.

curl -i -X DELETE 'https://domain/2.0/fileset/76785’


HTTP Status codeDescriptionResponse exampleNotes
"message":"File deleted",
id : long value that represents the file
Timestamp: UTC representation of the response creation using ISO-8601
401Connection contract not configured{
"message":"Connection contract not configured",
Timestamp: UTC representation of the response creation using ISO-8601
401Authentication error{
"message":"Invalid username or password",
Message depends on authentication type.
Timestamp: UTC representation of the response creation using ISO-8601
403No delete permission{
"message":"No delete permission",
Timestamp: UTC representation of the response creation using ISO-8601
404Fileset not found{
"message":" doesn't exist",
Timestamp: UTC representation of the response creation using ISO-8601


Insert or Update

POST /2.0/metadata/

Content-Type: application/json
Description: To be used to add or update metadata to files already uploaded.
Request body
metadata: List of metadata associated to file in JSON format.

curl -i -X POST 'https://domain/2.0/metadata/in/file1.txt' \
   -H "Content-Type: application/json" \


HTTP Status codeDescriptionResponse exampleNotes
"message":"Metadata updated",
id : long value that represents the file
timestamp: UTC representation of the response creation using ISO-8601
400No filename provided{
"message":"No filename specified",
Example if specified only path of folder
timestamp: UTC representation of the response creation using ISO-8601
400Missing parameter or syntax error{
"message":"Missing parameters or syntax error",
Example if metadata has syntax error or content-type header is missing.
timestamp: UTC representation of the response creation using ISO-8601
401Connection contract not configured{
"message":"Connection contract not configured",
timestamp: UTC representation of the response creation using ISO-8601
401Authentication error{
"message":"Invalid username or password",
Messages depends on authentication type.
timestamp: UTC representation of the response creation using ISO-8601
403No write permission{
"message":"No write permission",
timestamp: UTC representation of the response creation using ISO-8601
404File not found{
"message":"File '' doesn't exist",
timestamp: UTC representation of the response creation using ISO-8601
404Path not found{
"message":"Path '' doesn't exist",
timestamp: UTC representation of the response creation using ISO-8601


GET /2.0/metadata/

Description: To be used to view the files metadata.

curl -i -X GET 'https://domain/2.0/metadata/in/file1.txt' \
    -H "Accept: application/json"


HTTP Status codeDescriptionResponse exampleNotes
The list of metadata is to be defined.
400No filename provided{
"message":"No filename specified",
Example if specified only path of folder
timestamp: UTC representation of the response creation using ISO-8601
401Connection contract not configured{
"message":"Connection contract not configured",
timestamp: UTC representation of the response creation using ISO-8601
401Authentication error{
"message":"Invalid username or password",
Messages depends on authentication type.
timestamp: UTC representation of the response creation using ISO-8601
403No read permission{
"message":"No read permission",
timestamp: UTC representation of the response creation using ISO-8601
404File not found{
"message":" doesn't exist",
timestamp: UTC representation of the response creation using ISO-8601
404Path not found{
"message":"Path '' doesn't exist",
timestamp: UTC representation of the response creation using ISO-8601


Insert or Update

POST /2.0/metadatabyid/

Content-Type: application/json
Description: To be used to add or update metadata to files already uploaded using the file id.
Request body
metadata: List of metadata associated to file in JSON format.

curl -i -X POST 'https://domain/2.0/metadatabyid/5678' \
   -H "Content-Type: application/json" \


HTTP Status codeDescriptionResponse exampleNotes
"message":"Metadata updated",
id : long value that represents the file
timestamp: UTC representation of the response creation using ISO-8601
400No fileset provided{
"message":"No fileset specified",
timestamp: UTC representation of the response creation using ISO-8601
400Missing parameter or syntax error{
"message":"Missing parameters or syntax error",
Example if metadata has syntax error or content-type header is missing.
timestamp: UTC representation of the response creation using ISO-8601
401Connection contract not configured{
"message":"Connection contract not configured",
timestamp: UTC representation of the response creation using ISO-8601
401Authentication error{
"message":"Invalid username or password",
Messages depends on authentication type.
timestamp: UTC representation of the response creation using ISO-8601
403No write permission {
"message":"No write permission",
timestamp: UTC representation of the response creation using ISO-8601
404Fileset not found{
"message":" doesn't exist",
timestamp: UTC representation of the response creation using ISO-8601


GET /2.0/metadatabyid/

Description: To be used to view the files metadata using file id.

curl -i -X GET 'https://domain/2.0/metadatabyid/5678' \
    -H "Accept: application/json"


HTTP Status codeDescriptionResponse exampleNotes
The list of metadata is to be defined.
400No fileset provided{
"message":"No fileset specified",
timestamp: UTC representation of the response creation using ISO-8601
401Connection contract not configured{
"message":"Connection contract not configured",
timestamp: UTC representation of the response creation using ISO-8601
401Authentication error{
"message":"Invalid username or password",
Messages depends on authentication type.
timestamp: UTC representation of the response creation using ISO-8601
403No read permission{
"message":"No read permission",
timestamp: UTC representation of the response creation using ISO-8601
404Fileset not found{
"message":" doesn't exist",
timestamp: UTC representation of the response creation using ISO-8601



GET /2.0/countelements/<path%gt>

Description: To be used to know the number of elements existing in the selected path.
Request body
Query parameters:
filter: pattern to filter list count. '_' is used to select any characters. Example: _.txt or file.*
type: all | folders | files. If not specified, it is all.

curl -i -X GET 'https://domain/2.0/countelements/in?type=all'


HTTP Status codeDescriptionResponse exampleNotes
200SUCCESSNumber of elementsPossible values is 0 or positive number.
401Connection contract not configured{
"message":"Connection contract not configured",
timestamp: UTC representation of the response creation using ISO-8601
401Authentication error{
"message":"Invalid username or password",
Message depends on authentication type.
timestamp: UTC representation of the response creation using ISO-8601
403No list permission{
"message":"No list permission",
timestamp: UTC representation of the response creation using ISO-8601
404Path not found{
"message":"Path doesn't exist",
timestamp: UTC representation of the response creation using ISO-8601


List Contents

GET /2.0/directories/

Description: To be used to know the number of folders and files in the selected path.
Request body
Header accepted: application/json.
Query parameters:
filter: pattern to filter list. '_' is used to select any characters. Example _.txt or file.*
sort: sorting elements by name | size | put_date | read_date | expiry_date. Default is name.
direction: direction of sort DESC | ASC. Default is DESC.
start: List of elements start from. Default is 0.
limit: Limit list of elements. Default is 500.
type: all | folders | files. If not specified, all.
attributes: List of attributes for each element to show in response. Value is command separated value. If attributes are not present, the value are empty. Default is all.

curl -i -X GET 'https://domain/2.0/directories/in?sort=size&direction=DESC&start=0&limit=25' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'


HTTP Status codeDescriptionResponse exampleNotes
Example of list in inbox folder with 2 folders and 4 files.
401Authentication error{
"message":"Invalid username or password",
Message depends on authentication type.
timestamp: UTC representation of the response creation using ISO-8601
401Connection contract not configured{
"message":"Connection contract not configured",
timestamp: UTC representation of the response creation using ISO-8601
403No list permission{
"message":"No list permission",
timestamp: UTC representation of the response creation using ISO-8601
404Path not found{
"message":"Path doesn't exist",
timestamp: UTC representation of the response creation using ISO-8601