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Storage Class: File System - NEW! 🚀

To create a new File System Storage Class, fill in these fields:

NAME (*) Assign a Name to the Storage Class.
A maximum of 128 characters is allowed.
DESCRIPTION Enter the description of the Storage Class.
LOCATION TYPE (*)The location where files are stored. Choose Local File System to store files locally.
VOLUME DESCRIPTION (*) Enter the volume description of the physical storage.
INTERNAL FILES LOCATION(*)Enter the physical path where INTERNAL files must be saved. The path must begin with a "/". 🚀 If you do not enter it, the system will add it automatically. These files are visible only from PRIMEUR Data One.
EXTERNAL FILES LOCATION (*)Enter the physical path where EXTERNAL files must be saved. The path must begin with a "/". 🚀 If you do not enter it, the system will add it automatically. These files can be shared with external applications.
TEMPORARY FILES LOCATION (*)Enter the physical path where incoming external files are temporarily saved before their transfer is completed. The path must begin with a "/". 🚀 If you do not enter it, the system will add it automatically.
The only file store supported for internal files is the file system itself.
CLUSTERS Select the Cluster you want to associate with the Storage Class.
SYMMETRIC KEYS Select the symmetric key you want to associate with the Storage Class.

Note: If the menu is read-only, some files are already associated with the Storage Class. It must be empty to associate a Symmetric Key. Refer to the Security section for details on the association of a Symmetric Key.

Once you have created the Storage Class, press Save and your Storage Class will appear in the Result list.