Managing Templates
As already said, in Data One, notifications can be DATA WATCHER-related, CONTRACT-related ICAP-related or CENTRAL LOG-related.
DATA WATCHER-related notifications are the emails sent to users when the configured DATA WATCHER events occur.
DATA WATCHER email templates can contain macros both in the Subject (the string) and in the Body (the html text). When the email to notify DATA WATCHER events is sent, the Subject and the Body of the email are created expanding the Macros applied.
In Data Watcher, Macros can be associated with the following events:
• cut-off with error
• cut-off warning (about to expire)
• flow completed
• flow in error
For DATA WATCHER, the template released by default contains the following text and macros.

The template can be downloaded and edited according to your needs, as detailed in the following sections.
As already explained, if you need to configure different email templates for different users, you can define 2 notification channels and assign the proper templates to each of them. See Hint! in Configuring the Email Notification Channel .
ICAP related notifications are the emails sent to users when the configured ICAP events occur.
For ICAP, the template released by default contains the following text and macros.

CENTRAL LOG-related notifications are the emails sent to users when the configured Log events occur.
For CENTRAL LOG, the template released by default contains the following text and macros.

Follow these links learn more about the macros :
Updated 12 months ago