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Configuring a new Email Notification Channel

Follow these steps to configure a new email notification channel:

  1. Go to Setup → Notification Channels and click the New button.
  2. In the New Channel page, fill in these fields:
    1. Name: enter the name of the channel. This field is mandatory.
    2. Description: enter the description of the new channel you are creating. This field is mandatory.
    3. Select Connection: this is the SMTP server that will be used to send emails. In the drop-down list, click Show all to open the Manage Connections window where you can either edit a connection by clicking the pencil icon, or create a new connection by clicking the Add Connection button. In either case, fill in these fields:
      1. Host: address of the SMTP server
      2. Port: port of the SMTP server
      3. Username: user identifier for SMTP connection
      4. Password: password
      5. Match server hostname: enable this toggle switch if the DN certificate must contain the same IP as the HOST
      6. Client KeyLabel: enter the key identifier to create the SSL connection
      7. SSL authentication protocol: enables a secure connection. Select All or Only specific Values. Note that to correctly configure the connection for ICAP, you need to choose this value: STARTTLS
      8. Accepted cipher suites: select All or Only specific Values
      9. Sign key alias
      10. Connection security
      11. Max retries: enter the maximum number of reconnection attempts
      12. Configuration test: select the cluster where you want to test your configuration
    4. Click the Confirm button, select the connection, and click the Select button to go back to the New Channel window.
    5. Select cluster: select the cluster where the new channel will be created.
    6. Select template: select a template for the email that will be sent following events occurring during the flow:
      1. Data Watcher: in this tab, you can configure the templates that will be used as the body of the emails sent for the listed Data Wacther events: cut-offs ended with an error, cut-off warning (when the cut-off is about to expire), flow completed successfully, and flow in error. A default template is also available.
      2. CONTRACT: in this tab, you can configure the template that will be used in the emails sent for generic local actions triggered by the EVENT NOTIFICATION service task.
      3. ICAP: in this tab you can configure the templates that will be used as the body of the emails sent for these 4 ICAP events: AV breach detected, DLP breach detected, server unavailable and file scan skipped.
      4. CENTRAL LOG: in this tab, you can configure the templates that will be used as the body of the emails sent for INFO, WARNING, and ERROR log notifications. If you want to configure a single template covering all levels, use the Default Template option. If you do not want notifications to be sent, leave the event without a template.
        To associate a template, select it in the list. If you need to load a new template, see the Loading a new template section in this manual.
    7. Click the SAVE button to confirm the options edited for the channel.

You may need to configure different email templates for different users, for example because Business users are not interested in the details of the errors of a flow, while these details are useful for Admin users. To set different email templates to be sent to different categories of users, you can define 2 notification channels and assign the proper templates to each of them. For example, you can create:

  • a Business Users Notification Channel with only the default template with mandatory Macros configured.
  • an Admin Users Notification Channel with the default template and the four specific templates available with mandatory and non-mandatory Macros.

Then, in DATA WATCHER you will just need to select the Business or Admin Channel and enter the actual Recipients.