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Saved Queries

You can search flows in the Dataflow Inquiry section search bar by using the Data Watcher Query Language (DWQL). Useful and most used search queries can be saved to make them easily reusable at any time. Saved queries can also be shared with other users.

Do you want to know more about queries and DWQL? Head over to the How to... run searches in Data Watcher page.

To save a query, go to Setup → Saved Queries and follow these steps:

  1. Click on the NEW button.
  2. In the New Query window, fill in these fields:
    1. Name: the name of your query. The maximum number of characters is 128.
    2. Content: create the query string according to the Data Watcher Query Language (DWQL) instructions that you can find on the How to... run searches in Data Watcher page. Note that the maximum number of characters is 500.
    3. Sharing level:
      • PRIVATE: the query is saved only for its creator.
      • PUBLIC: the query is saved for every user with the same licence.
      • LIMITED: the query is saved for a limited number of users and/or groups with the same licence. You can select the users and groups in the drop-down lists in the Limit access to box.
  3. Click the SAVE button.

The query is now saved and will appear on the Saved Queries home page.

Clicking the 3-dots icon on the right of the row, you can:

  • Run the query in the Dataflow Inquiry search bar. Learn more here!
  • Copy the content of the query in your clipboard.
  • Open the Edit query window to change the details of your query.
  • Delete the query.

In the Filters panel on the right, you can filter results by:

  • Name
  • Owner
  • Sharing level