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Set up File Resources

2 File Resources called filerouting-ext and filerouting-link must be configured as detailed below.

filerouting-ext File Resource

  1. Go to Setup > File Resources and click the NEW button.
  2. Select the Actor that will be used for the file routing.
  3. In the Name field, enter filerouting-ext. Enter a Description for the File Resource.
  4. Leave Reject File to NO.
  1. In the Local Settings tab, enter EXTERNAL in the Location field.
  2. Set Delete file after expiration to true.
  3. Click Save to confirm the file routing-ext File Resource.

filerouting-link File Resource

  1. Go to Setup > File Resources and click the NEW button.
  2. Select the Actor that will be used for the file routing.
  3. In the Name field, enter filerouting-link.
  4. Enter a Description for the File Resource.
  5. Leave Reject File to NO.

  1. In the Local Settings tab, enter LINK in the Location field.
  2. Set Delete file after expiration to true.
  3. Click Save to confirm the filerouting-link File Resource.