Data Service HTTP Library Functions

Functions from Data Service HTTP Library are available in context of Data API jobs.


void addResponseHeader( string name, string value  );

The addResponseHeader function adds an HTTP response header field. If the function is called multiple times, multiple headers will be added.
The name parameter is a header field name. See list of header field names.
If name is null or empty string, the response header field is not added.
The value parameter is a value of the header field. If value is empty string, empty string is used. If value is null the header field is not added.

Example 343. Usage of addResponseHeader
The addResponseHeader("Content-Language", "fr") adds an HTTP header field Content-Language with value fr.

Content-Language: fr

The addResponseHeader("foo", "") adds header field with empty value


The addResponseHeder("foo", null) does not add an HTTP header field because of null.

See also: containsResponseHeader


boolean containsResponseHeader( string headerField );

The containsResponseHeader() function checks for presence of a user-added header field. It does not check existence of header fields not added by user, e.g. Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1. The check is case insensitive.
The headerField parameter is a name of HTTP header field.

Example 344. Usage of containsResponseHeader
There is no Content-Language header. The containsResponseHeader("Content-Language") returns false.
If the header was added by setResponseHeader() function. The function containsResponseHeader() returns true.

setResponseHeader("Content-Language", "fr");
boolean a = containsResponseHeader("Content-Language"); // true

The containsResponseHeader("Server") returns false. The header was not added by user.

See also: addResponseHeader


string getRequestBody(  );

The getRequestBody() function returns the request body.

Example 345. Usage of getRequestBody
If you query the data service with

wget \
    --user=userName \
    --password=password \
    --method=POST \
    --body-data="Once upon a time" \

the getRequestBody() returns Once upon a time.

See also: getRequestEncoding


string getRequestClientIPAddress(  );

The getRequestClientIPAddress() function returns the IP address of client performing the request.

Example 346. Usage of getRequestClientIPAddress
If you run the Data Shaper Server locally, the getRequestClientIPAddress() returns IP address corresponding to localhost: "" or "0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1".

See also: getRequestBody


string getRequestContentType(  );

The getRequestContentType() function returns the content type.

Example 347. Usage of getRequestContentType
If you query the data service API with

wget \
    --user=... \
    --password=... \
    --method=POST \
    --body-data="Once upon a time" \

the getRequestContentType() returns application/x-www-form-urlencoded.

See also: getResponseContentType


string getRequestEncoding(  );

The getRequestEncoding() function encoding specified in Content-Type header.
If the header does not exist, the function returns null.

Example 348. Usage of getRequestEncoding
If you query the data with

wget \
    --user=... \
    --password=... \
    --header="Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8" \

the getRequestEncoding() function returns UTF-8.

See also: setRequestEncoding


string getRequestHeader( string headerField );

The getRequestHeader() function returns value of the header field.
The headerField parameter is HTTP header field name.
If the header field does not exist, the function returns null.

Example 349. Usage of getRequestHeader
If you query the service with

wget \
    --user=... \
    --password=... \
    --header="Accept-Language: de" \

the getRequestHeader("Accept-Language") returns de.

See also: getRequestHeaderNames


string[] getRequestHeaderNames(  );

The getRequestHeaderNames() function returns names of request header fields.

Example 350. Usage of getRequestHeaderNames
If the data service receives

GET /clover/data-service/getRequestHeaderNames HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Wget/1.19.1 (cygwin)
Accept: */*
Accept-Encoding: identity
Connection: Keep-Alive
Accept-Language: es
Authorization: Basic Y2xvdmVyOmNsb3Zlcg==

The getRequestHeaderNames() function returns user-agent,accept,accept-encoding,host,connection,accept-language,authorization,cookie (as a list of strings).

See also: getRequestHeader, getRequestHeaders


map[string,string] getRequestHeaders(  );
string[] getRequestHeaders( string param );

The getRequestHeaders() function returns a map with request headers. The header name is a key, header field value is value.
The param parameter is header field name.

Example 351. Usage of getRequestHeaders
If you query the data service with:

curl.exe \
    --user clover:clover \
    --header "Accept-Language: de, en, es, fr" \
    --header "Accept: text/plain" \
    --header "Accept: text/html" \
    --header "Accept: application/xml" \
    --header "Accept: application/json" \

the getRequestHeaders() function returns map with key-value pairs:
User-Agent=curl/7.54.1;Accept=application/json;Accept-Language=de, en, es, fr;…​.
As the function does not return a multimap, the Accept header field contains only one of the received header fields values. To get all received header field values, use the getRequestHeaders(string) function.

The getRequestHeaders("Accept") function returns list of strings: text/plain;text/html;application/xml;application/json.

See also: getRequestHeader, getRequestHeaderNames


string getRequestMethod(  );

The getRequestMethod() function returns the HTTP method: GET, POST, PUT, PATCH or DELETE.

Example 352. Usage of getRequestMethod
If you query the data service with:

wget \
    --user=clover \
    --password=clover \
    --method=GET \

the getRequestMethod() returns GET.


string getRequestParameter( string param );

The getRequestParameter() function returns value of GET or POST parameter.
The param parameter is the parameter name.

Example 353. Usage of getRequestParameter
If you query the data service with:

wget \
    --user=clover \
    --password=clover \

the getRequestParameter("id") returns 1234 (as string).
If you query data service on .../getRequestParameter/id/{id} URL with

wget \
    --user=clover \
    --password=clover \

the getRequestParameter("id") returns 123 (as string). Note parameters in the URL in data service configuration.
If you query data service with

wget \
    --user=clover \
    --password=clover \
    --post-data "id=234&" \

the getRequestParameter("id") returns 234 (as string).

See also: getRequestParameters, getRequestParameterNames


string[] getRequestParameterNames(  );

The getRequestParameterNames() function returns names of GET or POST parameters., e.g.

Example 354. Usage of getRequestParameterNames
If you query the data service with:

wget \
    --user=clover \
    --password=clover \

the getRequestParameterNames() returns list containing id and name.

If you query data service on ./getRequestParameterNames2/id/{id}/name/{name} with:

wget \
    --user=clover \
    --password=clover \

the getRequestParameterNames() function returns list containing id and name.

If you query data service with:

wget \
    --user=clover \
    --password=clover \
    --post-data "name=doe&" \

the getRequestParameterNames() returns list containing id and name.

See also: getRequestParameter, getRequestParameters


string[] getRequestParameters( string name );
map[string,string] getRequestParameters(  );

The getRequestParameters() function return map of GET or POST request parameters and request parameter values. The parameters are from URL:
The name parameter is name of the parameter.

Example 355. Usage of getRequestParameters
If you query data service with:

wget \
    --user=clover \
    --password=clover \

The getRequestParameters() returns map. The key is parameter name, the value is the parameter value.
The getRequestParameters("name") returns list containing doe and john.

See also: getRequestParameter, getRequestParameterNames


string getRequestPartFilename( string paramName );

The getRequestPartFilename() function returns name of file received in multipart entity. Usually, it is a file name from HTML form.
The paramName parameter is name of HTML input field containing the file.

Example 356. Usage of getRequestPartFilename
If you query the web service with:

curl -F name=@/tmp/filename \ \
    --user clover:clover

the getRequestPartFilename("name") returns somefile.


string getResponseContentType(  );

The getResponseContentType() function returns response content type - the value of Content-Type response header field.

Example 357. Usage of getResponseContentType
The getResponseContentType() returns for example application/json.

See also: getRequestContentType, setResponseContentType


string getResponseEncoding(  );

The getResponseEncoding() function returns the response encoding.

Example 358. Usage of getResponseEncoding
E.g. the getResponseEncoding() returns iso-8859-1.

See also: getRequestEncoding, setResponseEncoding


void setRequestEncoding( string encoding );

The setRequestEncoding() function sets the encoding to be used in POST request parsing. Call this function in init().

The encoding parameter is encoding.

Example 359. Usage of setRequestEncoding
The setRequestEncoding("utf-8") sets request encoding to UTF-8.
The setRequestEncoding("iso-8859-2") sets request encoding to latin2.
The setRequestEncoding("cp1250") sets request encoding to code page 1250.

See also: getRequestEncoding


void setResponseBody( string body );

The setResponseBody() function sets HTTP response body. Consider setting the response body encoding explicitly.
The body parameter is the content of the body.
If you try to create response body with setResponsebody() function and with writing to response:body, the later one will be used. You should use only one way to create the response body.

Example 360. Usage of getResponseBody
The setResponseBody("The response") sets the response body.

See also: setResponseEncoding


void setResponseContentType( string contentType );

The setResponseContentType() function sets the response content type - the value of Content-Type response header field.
The contentType parameter is the value of Content-Type response header field.

Example 361. Usage of setResponseContentType

See also: setResponseBody, getResponseContentType


void setResponseEncoding( string encoding );

The setResponseEncoding() function sets HTTP response encoding. This encoding is used if you set the response body with the setResponseBody() function.
The encoding parameter is the response body encoding.

Example 362. Usage of setResponseEncoding
The setResponseEncoding("UTF-8"); sets response body encoding to UTF-8.

See also: getResponseEncoding, setResponseBody


void setResponseHeader( string field, string value );

The setResponseHeader() function sets the response header. If the header does not exist, it will be created.
The field parameter is HTTP header field name.
The value parameter is HTTP header field value.

Example 363. Usage of setResponseHeader
setResponseHeader("Server", "BOA")

See also: addResponseHeader


void setResponseStatus( integer statusCode );
void setResponseStatus( integer statusCode, string message );

The setResponseStatus() function sets the response status code.
The statusCode parameter is the returned status code.
The message parameter is a message.

Example 364. Usage of setResponseStatus
The setResponseStatus(403) sets the response status to 403.
The setResponseStatus(414, "URI Too Long") returns a status code 414.

HTTP/1.1 414 URI Too Long

See also:,