Configuring DWA Proxies
Each DWA Proxy has its own configuration section.
The following sections provide details on DWA Proxy configuration and are structured as follows:
- DWA Proxy common parameters
- DWA Proxy for Active MQ
- DWA Proxy for WMQ
- DWA Proxy for Spazio
DWA Proxy common parameters -- Prefix proxy.<type>.*
This section contains DWAgent parameters that are shared by all DWA Proxies.
Properties | Description |
active = true | false | Switch that enables this DWA Proxies. NOTE: Several DWA Proxies can be active at runtime at the same time for each type (activemq|spazio|wmq). |
backoutQueueName | Optional backout queue name where discarded messages will be stored. |
userName password | Optional userid and password to be used to connect to a queue manager over a client connection. |
msgWaitIntervalSeconds | Blocking wait duration when reading from the input queue or virtual topic. |
msgWaitMaxQuantity | Max number of messages to be read in each iteration when reading from the input queue or virtual topic. |
DWA Proxy for ActiveMQ supports any of the ActiveMQ versions embedded in Spazio MFT/S v2.x, Spazio File Governance v2.x products.
Configuration reference
DWA Proxy for Active MQ -- Prefix proxy.activemq.*
Properties | Description |
brokerURL | Broker Url with Host and port to be used when connecting to an ActiveMQ system over a client connection. |
inputVirtualTopic | Virtual topic where messages are published by a monitored system and retrieved by the DWA Proxy. |
DWA Proxy for WMQ supports IBM MQ v7.x, v8.x, v9.x.
To allow DWA Proxy to correctly access IBM MQ resources, you need to ensure that IBM MQ environment variables pointing to JMS java classes are correctly set and available in the DWAgent environment (e.g., by sourcing setjmsenv64 script provided by IBM MQ).
Please refer to IBM MQ product documentation for details on how to make JMS resources available to a standalone java application.
Configuration reference
DWA Proxy for WMQ -- Prefix proxy.wmq.*
Properties | Description |
hostName port channel | Host, port and WMQ channel to be used when connecting to a WMQ queue manager over a client connection. |
queueManagerName | WMQ queue manager where WMQ event messages messages are retrieved. |
inputQueueName | Queue where messages are published by a monitored system and retrieved by the DWA Proxy. |
sslEnable sslCipherSuite sslPeerName sslTrustStore sslTrustStorePassword sslTrustStorePasswordEncoded sslKeyStore sslKeyStorePassword sslKeyStorePasswordEncoded | Note: Please refer to the IBM WMQ SSL configuration documentation for more details on how to set these parameters. |
DWA Proxy for Spazio MFT/S support Spazio MFT/S 2.x product.
DWA Proxy can connect to Spazio MFT/S queue manager in two different ways:
- Using a Spazio RMI (Remote Method Invocation) connection
- In this case, DWA Proxy can also be run on a node different from the node where Spazio MFT/S is running, given that the connection will happen via RMI protocol over TCP/IP.
- When using RMI, you must ensure the Spazio RMI Server is correctly set up and running on your Spazio MFT/S node.
- Using a Spazio JNI (Java Native Interface) connection
- In this case, DWA Proxy will use native operating system interprocess communication primitives to communicate with Spazio MFT/S queue manager. Consequently, you can only use this type of connection when DWA Proxy is running on the same node as Spazio MFT/S.
- For JNI connection to work correctly, DWA Proxy needs to inherit Spazio MTF/S environment variables settings, so it is recommended to run DWA Proxy under the same user as Spazio MFT/S.
- When using JNI, the DWA Proxy lifecycle can be synchronized with Spazio MFT/S lifecycle using a Spazio MFT/S spappl.ini configuration file and the related Spazio MFT/S spcmdinvoker command to start/stop DWA Proxy when Spazio MFT/S is started/stopped.
Please refer to the SPAZIO MFT/S for Distributed Platforms Installation and Configuration Guide for more details.
Configuration reference
DWA Proxy for Spazio MFT/S -- Prefix proxy.spazio.*
Properties | Description |
host port | Host and port to be used when connecting to a Spazio MFT/S queue manager over a Spazio RMI connection. Leave these parameters blank for local Spazio JNI connections. |
queueManagerName | Spazio queue manager where Spazio event event files are published. |
inputQueueName | Queue where event files are published by a monitored system and retrieved by the DWA Proxy. |
Updated 8 months ago