Configuring DWA Communicator for Artemis

The configuration of DWA Communicator occurs in the Artemis Communicator section of the file.

Prefix communicator.artemis.*

active = true | false Switch enabling this DWACommunicator.
brokerAddressesList of broker addresses separated by a comma to be used when you want to connect to an ActiveMQ Artemis broker or a cluster of brokers over a client connection.

Note that the brokerAddresses property must be equal to ghip-amq-broker-URLs in config/ file on Data Watcher Engine configuration.
brokerPortsList of ports separated by a comma to be used when you want to connect to an ActiveMQ Artemis broker or a cluster of brokers over a client connection.

Note that the brokerPorts property must be equal to ghip-amq-broker-ports in config/ file on Data Watcher Engine configuration.
securityEnabled = true | falseSwitch enabling security.
If enabled use the TLS and User Authentication to connect to Data One ActiveMQ Artemis broker.

Please make sure that your Data One version supports TLS and User Authentication for Artemis broker, before setting securityEnabled = true.
connectionUsernameOptional username that can be used to connect to Artemis over a client connection.

This property is mandatory when securityEnabled = true.

Note that the connectionUsername property must be equal to ghip-amq-security-connectionUsername in config/ file on Data Watcher Engine configuration.
connectionPasswordOptional masked password (ENC(...) format) that can be used to connect to Artemis over a client connection.

This property is mandatory when securityEnabled = true.

Note that the connectionPassword property must be equal to ghip-amq-security-connectionPassword in config/ file on Data Watcher Engine configuration.
enabledProtocolsList of protocols separated by a comma used for TLS communication (e.g. "TLSv1.3"). If the property is empty, the JVM default is used instead.

This property is mandatory when securityEnabled = true.

Note that the enabledProtocols property must be equal to ghip-amq-security-enabledProtocols in config/ file on Data Watcher Engine configuration.
enabledCipherSuitesList of cipher suites separated by a comma used for TLS communication (e.g. "TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256,TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384"). If the property is empty, the JVM default is used instead.

This property is significant when securityEnabled = true.

Note that the enabledCipherSuites property must be equal to ghip-amq-security-enabledCipherSuites in config/ file on Data Watcher Engine configuration.
trustStoreTypeThe type of trust store used. (e.g. "PKCS12", "JKS", ...).

This property is mandatory when securityEnabled = true.

Note that the trustStoreType property must be equal to ghip-amq-security-trustStoreType in config/ file on Data Watcher Engine configuration.
trustStorePathThe path to the client-side SSL key store file used by the broker when it connects to other brokers in the cluster. This file contains the public keys of all the servers that the client trusts. If a relative path or only the filename is specified, the value of trustStorePath is appended to $DWAHOME/config.

This property is mandatory when securityEnabled = true.

Note that the trustStorePath property must be equal to ghip-amq-security-trustStorePath in config/ file on Data Watcher Engine configuration.
trustStorePasswordThe masked password (ENC(...) format) for the client-side trust store.

This property is mandatory when securityEnabled = true.

Note that the trustStorePassword property must be equal to ghip-amq-security-trustStorePassword in config/ file on Data Watcher Engine configuration.
verifyHost = true | falseSwitch enabling host verification.
If enabled the CN or Subject Alternative Name values of the server's SSL certificate will be compared with the hostname you are trying to connect to so as to verify that the values are the same.

This property is significant when securityEnabled = true.
enableArchive = true | falseSwitch that enables the local archiving of event files prior to their transfer to the Data Watcher node.
The archive is kept in:
The size and contents of the archive can be self-managed by the communicator using the three parameters below.
They are evaluated in OR fashion, oldest files are removed first.
Event archival is normally turned off, but as part of advanced problem determination PRIMEUR Contact Center may instruct you to turn it on as indicated.
archiveExpiryDaysMax number of days a file can reside in the archive.
archiveMaxFilesMax number of files kept in the archive.
archiveMaxSizeBytesMax number of bytes the files in the archive can occupy on disk.
batchIntervalSeconds Max time that emitted records are allowed to wait until they are submitted for transfer to Data Watcher using DWA Communicator.
In case batchSize number of records are accumulated by the emitter before batchIntervalSeconds has expired, the batch is immediately submitted for transfer.
batchSizeMax number of records that should be passed as a single file or message to the DWA Communicator for subsequent forwarding to Data Watcher.
A smaller batch of records is sent when the batchSize is
not reached within the batchIntervalSeconds.