Configuring Service Tasks
This section lists all the Service Tasks used in Primeur DATA ONE.
Service Tasks are actions that finish once the task code is executed, allowing the flow to continue.
The tasks are organized by description and the variables they contain.
List of Service tasks in alphabetical order:
- Generate Uuid
- Get Files
- Get Metadata
- Get Spazio2 Selector
- Insert Spazio2 SYSTEM Selector
- Insert Spazio2 USER Selector
- Local SpProp
- Local VirtualPath SpRm
- Logging (file or syslog)
- Now
- Rename File
- Republish File
- REST Invoker
- Send Email
- Set File External Destination
- Set Generic Metadata
- Set Spazio2 Metadata
- SubString
- Today
- Update Spazio2 Selector
- Virtual Path From String
- Virtual Path To String
Generate Uuid
It invokes the Uuid Service that generates a Universally Unique Identifier.
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
Result variable | VariableType.STRING | Y | The workflow variable where the final result will be written |
Get Files
It invokes the GetFiles Service.
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
File ID | VariableType.LONG | Y | The ID of the file to get the file list from |
List | VariableType.STRING | Y | Variable that will contain the list of files as a result of the current operation. (Tip: You can cycle through elements of a list using the Subprocess object) |
Single Value | VariableType.STRING | N | If set, you will only get the value for this attribute if present |
Get Metadata
It invokes the GetMetadata Service.
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
File ID | VariableType.LONG | Y | The ID of the file to get the metadata list from |
List | VariableType.STRING | Y | Variable that will contain the list of metadata as a result of the current operation. (Tip: You can cycle through elements of a list using the Subprocess object) |
Single Value | VariableType.STRING | N | If set, you will only get the value for this attribute if present |
MetaData Class | VariableType.ENUM | N | The metadata class to use to filter the various metadata types |
Get Spazio2 Selector
It invokes the Sp2GetSelector Service.
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
File ID | VariableType.LONG | Y | The ID of the file to get its Spazio2 selector |
Output | VariableType.STRING | Y | The output variable name |
Code | VariableType.STRING | Y | The code selector to be retrieved |
Insert Spazio2 SYSTEM Selector
It invokes the Sp2InsertSelector Service for area type SYSTEM.
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
File ID | VariableType.LONG | Y | The ID of the file to set its Spazio2 selector |
Code | VariableType.STRING | Y | The selector code to insert |
Type | VariableType.ENUM | Y | The selector type to insert |
Length | VariableType.STRING | Y | The selector length to insert |
Name | VariableType.STRING | N | The selector name to insert |
Value | VariableType.STRING | Y | The selector value to insert |
Insert Spazio2 USER Selector
It invokes the Sp2InsertSelector Service for areatype USER.
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
File ID | VariableType.LONG | Y | The ID of the file to set its Spazio2 selector |
Code | VariableType.STRING | Y | The selector code to insert |
Type | VariableType.ENUM | Y | The selector type to insert |
Length | VariableType.STRING | Y | The selector length to insert |
Name | VariableType.STRING | N | The selector name to insert |
Value | VariableType.STRING | Y | The selector value to insert |
Local SpProp
It invokes the Spprop service to load a local property file.
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
Cluster | VariableType.CLUSTER | Y | The cluster to be used |
Path | VariableType.STRING | Y | The path where the property file will be read |
Variable | VariableType.STRING | Y | A process variable that will be filled with all the properties from the file |
Return Code Variable | VariableType.STRING | Y | The workflow variable where the final return code will be written |
Local VirtualPath SpRm
It invokes SPRM on the VirtualPath service, it uses File ID or VFS Name+VFS Path and it removes a file from a Virtual File System.
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
Cluster | VariableType.CLUSTER | Y | The cluster to be used |
FileSet ID | VariableType.LONG | Y | ID of the file to be removed. Use this or VFS Name+VFS Path. (Tip: if the file is in a "FileDetail" variable, its ID can be retrieved with: ${file.getRegistryId()} ) |
VFS Name | VariableType.STRING | Y | VfsName of the file to be deleted. It MUST exist along with the VFS Path if the File ID is not selected |
VFS Path | VariableType.STRING | Y | VfsPath of the file to be deleted. It MUST exist along with the VFS Name if the File ID is not selected |
Return Code Variable | VariableType.STRING | Y | Workflow variable where the final return code will be written. If the file to be removed does not exist, the return code will be 0 |
Logging (file or syslog)
Logging service to write on an external file or to system output by the desired logging level.
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
Message content | VariableType.STRING | Y | The message to be logged |
Date format to use | VariableType.STRING | N | The date format to be used for logging |
Filepath | VariableType.STRING | N | The full pathname (with filename) to write into |
Log level | VariableType.ENUM | N | Log level to use to write to server log in case no Filepath was provided |
It invokes the Current DateTime Service that gets a formatted string containing current date and time.
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
Pattern | VariableType.STRING | N | The date pattern to use (Tip: it uses java format. "dd-MM-yyyy" -> "02-01-2018" or "E, dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss z" -> "Tue, 02 January 2018 18:07:59 IST") |
TimeZone | VariableType.STRING | N | The timezone to use |
Result Variable | VariableType.STRING | N | The workflow variable where the final return code will be written |
Rename File
It invokes the RenameFile Service that renames a file.
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
File ID | VariableType.LONG | Y | The ID of the file to rename |
New File Name | VariableType.STRING | Y | The new file name to use |
Republish File
It invokes the RepublishFile Service (in bold what changed from DataOne-1.0.0-TF001) that republishes a file in another virtual path.
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
File | VariableType.FILE | N (from DataOne-1.0.0-TF001) | The file to be republished, File or FilesetID are mandatory |
FilesetID | VariableType.LONG | N (from DataOne-1.0.0-TF001) | The fileset ID to be republished, File or FilesetID are mandatory |
Destination | VariableType.VIRTUAL_PATH | Y | The virtual path destination |
FilesetID created | VariableType.STRING | Y | Name of the variable that will contain the RegistryID (FilesetID) of the created file |
REST Invoker
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
Request method | VariableType.LONG | Y | Request method to be used in the HTTP call: GET, POST, PUT or DELETE |
Request URL | VariableType.STRING | Y | Request URL of the HTTP call. Can contain expressions, e.g. '${someVariable}' |
Request headers | VariableType.STRING | N | Line separated HTTP request headers |
Request body | VariableType.STRING | N | Request body to be sent, e.g. a JSON file. You can use expressions, e.g. {'clientId': ${clientId}, 'name': ${name}} |
Request body encoding | VariableType.STRING | N | HttpRequest body encoding expression, for example UTF-8 |
Request timeout | VariableType.INTEGER | N | Request timeout in milliseconds |
Disallow redirects | VariableType.BOOLEAN | N | Determines whether HTTP redirects are allowed |
Handle status codes | VariableType.STRING | N | List of status codes for which the task throws a BpmnError which can be caught by a boundary error event. Code ranges can be set with an X: Example: 400, 404, 5XX. Status codes in handleStatusCodes override those in failStatusCodes when they are set in both |
Save request variables | VariableType.BOOLEAN | N | Determines whether all request variables are stored. By default, only response related variables are stored as variables |
Save response parameters | VariableType.BOOLEAN | N | Determines whether response variables including HTTP status, headers, etc. are stored. By default, only the response body is stored as a variable |
Response variable name | VariableType.STRING | Y | The variable name in which the HTTP response is stored |
Save response variable as Json | VariableType.BOOLEAN | N | Determines whether the response variable is stored as a JSON variable instead of a String |
Result variable prefix | VariableType.STRING | N | A prefix that is added to the result variable name for easier grouping. The following variables are affected: responseProtocol, responseReason, responseStatusCode, responseHeaders, responseBody, errorMessage |
Send Email
Send Email Service.
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
Recipients | VariableType.STRING | Y | The email recipients |
Subject | VariableType.STRING | Y | The email subject |
Body | VariableType.STRING | Y | The email body |
Template ID | VariableType.EMAIL_TEMPLATE | N | The identifier to the HTML template to be used for the body |
File name | VariableType.STRING | N | Name of the file to be used to fill in the HTML email template |
File size | VariableType.LONG | N | Size of the file to be used to fill in the HTML email template |
File path | VariableType.STRING | N | Path of the file to be used to fill in the HTML email template |
File date | VariableType.STRING | N | Date of the file to be used to fill in the HTML email template |
Set File External Destination
Set or override existing file external destination flag.
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
File ID | VariableType.LEAN | Y | The ID of the file to associate insert selector in |
Set external | VariableType.BOOLEAN | Y | Set the file to be treated for external destination |
Force override | VariableType.BOOLEAN | Y | If the file already has a destination set, this flag overrides its existing setting with the desired "Set external" value |
Set Generic Metadata
It invokes the SetGenericMetadata Service that sets metadata on a file.
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
File ID | VariableType.LONG | Y | The ID of the file to set its new metadata |
Name | VariableType.STRING | Y | The metadata name |
Value | VariableType.STRING | Y | The metadata value |
Set Spazio2 Metadata
It invokes the Spazio2Metadata Service.
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
File ID | VariableType.STRING | Y | The ID of the file to set its new Spazio2 type metadata |
Node Name | VariableType.STRING | N | The node name of metadata |
Manager Name | VariableType.STRING | N | The manager name of metadata |
Queue Name | VariableType.STRING | N | The queue name of metadata |
AdressType | VariableType.STRING | N | The AdressType of metadata |
Internal Number | VariableType.STRING | N | The internal number of metadata |
Message FileId | VariableType.STRING | N | The file id message of metadata |
CorrelationId | VariableType.STRING | N | The correlation id of metadata |
Sender | VariableType.STRING | N | The sender of metadata |
User Class | VariableType.STRING | N | The user class metadata |
File Size | VariableType.STRING | N | The size of the file |
Priority | VariableType.STRING | N | The priority of metadata |
UserId | VariableType.STRING | N | The userId of metadata |
SessionId | VariableType.STRING | N | The sessionId of metadata |
Origin Queue Manager | VariableType.STRING | N | The origin queue manager of metadata |
Origin Queue | VariableType.STRING | N | The origin queue of metadata |
Origin User Class | VariableType.STRING | N | The Origin User Class of metadata |
Origin Message FileId | VariableType.STRING | N | The origin message fileId of metadata |
Origin Internal Number | VariableType.STRING | N | The origin internal number of metadata |
Accounting Token | VariableType.STRING | N | The accounting token of metadata |
AckLevel | VariableType.STRING | N | The ackLevel of metadata |
Identity Data | VariableType.STRING | N | The identity data of metadata |
Origin Data | VariableType.STRING | N | The origin data of metadata |
Format | VariableType.STRING | N | The format of metadata |
Origin AckLevel [ | VariableType.STRING | N | The origin ackLevel of metadata |
Origin Code Page | VariableType.STRING | N | The origin code page of metadata |
Origin Encoding | VariableType.ENUM | N | The origin encoding of metadata |
Put Application Name | VariableType.STRING | N | The put application name of metadata |
Reply To Queue Address Type | VariableType.ENUM | N | The reply to queue address type of metadata |
Reply To Queue Manager Name | VariableType.STRING | N | The reply to queue address type of metadata |
Reply To Queue Name | VariableType.STRING | N | The reply to queue name of metadata |
Reply To Queue Write Password | VariableType.STRING | N | The reply to queue write password of metadata |
Destination External File | VariableType.BOOLEAN | N | Destination external file |
It invokes the SOAP Service.
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
URL | VariableType.STRING | Y | The url of the soap service |
Envelope | VariableType.STRING | Y | The envelope for the SOA service |
Response | VariableType.STRING | Y | The response of the SOA service |
Connection Timeout | VariableType.INTEGER | Y | Maximum time, in milliseconds, to await when opening a communication link to the resource |
Response Code | VariableType.STRING | Y | The HTTP response code of the SOAP service invocation will be saved in the declared variable |
It invokes the SubString Service that extracts a SubString from a source string.
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
String | VariableType.STRING | N | The String |
Begin Index | VariableType.INTEGER | N | The begin index of substring |
End Index | VariableType.INTEGER | N | The end index of substring |
Result variable | VariableType.STRING | N | The workflow variable where the final result will be written |
It invokes the Today Service that gets a formatted string containing the current date.
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
Pattern | VariableType.STRING | N | The date pattern to use (Tip: it uses java format. "dd-MM-yyyy" -> "02-01-2018") |
TimeZone | VariableType.STRING | N | The timezone to use |
Result variable | VariableType.STRING | N | The workflow variable where the final return code will be written |
Update Spazio2 Selector
It invokes the Sp2UpdateSelector Service.
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
File ID | VariableType.LONG | Y | The ID of the file to set its Spazio2 selector |
Code | VariableType.STRING | Y | The selector code to update |
Value | VariableType.STRING | Y | The selector value to update |
Return code | VariableType.STRING | Y | The workflow variable where final return code will be written into |
Virtual Path from String
It makes a virtual path from the string Service.
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
Virtual Path String | VariableType.STRING | Y | The string virtual path |
Result variable | VariableType.STRING | Y | The workflow variable where the final result will be written |
Virtual Path To String
It makes a virtual path to the string Service.
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
Virtual Path | VariableType.VIRTUAL_PATH | Y | The virtual path |
Result variable | VariableType.STRING | Y | The workflow variable where the final result will be written |
Updated 4 months ago