How to customize bulk actions - NEW! 🚀

Starting from version 1.20.5, the configuration-wui.json.sample file has 3 new properties relevant to bulk actions:

  • "hideBulk"
  • "hideBulkDelete"
  • "hideBulkDownload"

By default, the 3 properties are set to false and bulk features are active.

If you need to disable any option, open the configuration-wui.json.sample file, copy the properties to your configuration-wui.json file depending on your needs and following these instructions:

  • To disable the Bulk action feature, set the hideBulk value to true or remove it. If hideBulk is set to true, bulk download and bulk delete options will not be shown, so you do not need to edit the other 2 properties.
  • To enable the feature without Download, the hideBulk value must be set to false and the hideBulkDownload value to true.
  • To enable the feature without Delete, the hideBulk value must be set to false and the hideBulkDelete value to true.

Please note that other combinations may not work, so follow only the instructions above.