The Logs section is the centralized location where PRIMEUR Data One log files are collected.

In this section, you can monitor all operations quickly by viewing their logs. Logs are aggregated and converted to a common format so that events can be easily verified and troubleshooting is simplified.

Flat view

By default, when opening the dashboard, all the logs are shown in a FLAT VIEW, which sorts them starting from the newest. In the Flat view, logs can be sorted in ascending or descending order clicking the icon on the right of the Timestamp wording.
Other columns can be sorted clicking the icon.


Filtering Logs by CorrelationID (LCID)

To view logs grouped by their Correlation ID, click the Group by LCID (Correlation ID) button available at the top of the screen.
The Correlation ID view lists all logs grouped by ID.


Filtering Logs by Dataflow Instance ID (DFIID)

To view logs grouped by their Dataflow Instance ID, simply click the GROUP BY DFIID (Dataflow Instance ID) button available at the top of the screen.

The Dataflow Instance ID flows across all the components of the system (CEMAN, STENG and Data Watcher). This enables a coherent and consistent troubleshooting experience. E.g., jumping back and forth from technical monitoring in Central Log to business monitoring in Data Watcher.


Other filters

In all views, logs can be filtered entering the search criteria in the edit box below the column header.

The Timestamp column is the first column on the left and is fixed. It is provided with a FROM – TO calendar where data can be filtered by date and by time. It is also possible to select only an initial date (FROM the specified date to today) or only a final date (all logs up TO the specified date).



Clicking the 3-dot icon on the right of the each value listed in the LCID and DFIID columns, a popup menu appears allowing you to:

  • Copy the value of the cell to the clipboard.
  • Create a New Filter and display only the results of the value of the cell.
  • Add the value to an already applied filter.
  • View the error in Data Watcher.