Clean up the Data Watcher MongoDB

To clean up the Data Watcher DB launch the script, stored at:


./ [ last=10 | to=29/01/2020 | status | stop ]

  • last=n
    The cleaner will delete all data older than the number of days entered.
    E.g.: last=10 will delete all data that is 11 days or older.
  • to=DD/MM/YYYY
    The cleaner will delete all data up to a specific date.
    E.g.: to=01/09/2020 will delete all data up to 31st August, 2020. Data from 1st September, 2020 to the current date will be kept.
  • status:
    It prints if the cleaner is running or not
  • stop:
    It stops the cleaner - if running

The cleaner logs information at this path:
The history of the latest 4 cleanup procedures are saved.