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Links from Notes

Notes can contain links to graph elements, file in Project Explorer, file on file system, website, etc. Some types of links are available from the toolbox, the later ones can be inserted manually from the keyboard.

Linkable targets are shown in examples below. Links to the items not mentioned in the list, e.g. graph parameters, are not possible.

Link to Website

You can insert a link to a particular website from the toolbar. The link can be displayed as an URL of the target


or the link can contain a user-defined text

[Our site|http://www.primeur.com]

Link to Graph Element

You can insert a link to a particular graph element from toolbar, or type element:// prefix followed by graph element ID:

[A link to DataGenerator|element://DATA_GENERATOR]

It’s also possible to create a link to a graph element of another graph.

[A link to DataGenerator|element://project_name/path_to_graph/my_graph.grf:ELEMENT_ID]

Link to File in Project Explorer.

You can insert a link to a file in Project Explorer from toolbar, or type file:// prefix followed by the location.

[A link to a file in Project Explorer|file://SimpleExamples/data-in]

Link to Open File

You can insert a link to open a file from toolbar, or type open:// prefix followed by the path. You can use a relative or absolute path. Usage of a relative path is recommended, especially in server projects.

[A link with an absolute path to open a file|open://C:/Users/Public/Data/]

[A link with a relative path to open a file|open://BasicExamples/workspace.prm]

Note that a relative path is relative to workspace root and must start with a sandbox name.

Link to Send an Email

To insert a link to send an email, type mailto: prefix followed by the email address.

[Send mail to doc creators|mailto:info@primeur.com]

Link to Open a View

To open a view, type the view:// prefix followed by the Eclipse View ID:

[Open Project Explorer|view://org.eclipse.ui.navigator.ProjectExplorer]

Link to a Data Shaper Documentation

You can create a link to a particular built-in documentation page. Type help:// prefix followed by a link to particular documentation page.


You can point to a particular documentation page or to a particular page element with an identifier.
