Creating a Key - NEW! 🚀
To create a Key, follow these steps:
- Click on Setup → Key Store and verify that the Keys tab is selected.
- In the SELECT CLUSTER drop-down list select a cluster.
- Click the NEW button and enter the following details:
Parameter | Definition |
NAME (*) | Enter the name of the key |
SUBJECT | Attribute subjects of a certificate: • CN: CommonName • OU: OrganizationalUnit • O: Organization • L: Locality • S: StateOrProvinceName • C: CountryName |
SIZE (*) | SIZE_512 SIZE_1024 SIZE_2048 SIZE_3072 SIZE_4096 |
ALGORITHM (*) | SHA1WithRSA SHA256WithRSA SHA512WithRSA 🚀 SHA1WithDSA 🚀 SHA256WithDSA 🚀 SHA512WithDSA |
SELF SIGNED KEY | Check this box if you want a self-signed X.509 certificate to be generated for this private key. If this value is checked, a new parameter will appear. |
VALIDITY (*) | Only available if the Self signed key box is checked. Insert a positive value indicating the validity of the key (in days). |
- Press Confirm to save.
Updated 2 months ago