Data Watcher Macros

List of Macros applicable to events relevant to:
• cut-off with error
• cut-off warning (about to expire)
• flow completed
• flow in error

FM_NameFlow name (*)FlowModel
FM_IDFlow model ID (*)FlowModel
FM_VersionFlow model version (*)FlowModel
FI_IDFlow instance ID (*)FlowInstance
FI_StartTSFlow instance start timestamp in ISO8601 format (*)FlowInstance
FI_EndTSFlow instance end timestamp in ISO8601 format (*)FlowInstance
FI_StatusFlow instance status [SUCCESS | ERROR | RUNNING] (*)FlowInstance
FI_ErrMsgFlow instance error message, when FI_Status=ERROR and when an error message is available; in case of multiple error messages the eldest one (the root cause) is selectedFlowInstance
FI_ErrDetailsFI_ErrDetails Flow instance error message details, when FI_Status=ERROR further qualifying FI_ErrMsg with additional information, when available FlowInstanceFlowInstance
FIUsrAttrFlow user-defined attribute associated to the flow model. At the time this flow instance matched the model, there can be zero or more attributes, each of them will be rendered as a distinct notification attribute.

E.g. if the user defined Confidentiality="SECRET" and Signer="CFO" flow attributes, the notification will include these two attributes and values: FI_UsrAttr_Confidentiality= "SECRET" and FI_UsrAttr_Signers="CFO, CEO"
FI_SrcSystemsNameComma separated list of source systems appearing in the flow (*)FlowInstance
FI_SrcDCNameList of all source data containers (e.g. files) appearing in the flow (*)FlowInstance
FI_TgtSystemsNameComma separated list of target systems appearing in the flow (*)FlowInstance
FI_TgtDCNameList of all target data containers (e.g. files) appearing in the flow (*)FlowInstance
FI_ContractsNameComma separated list of contracts appearing in the flowFlowInstance

(*) Mandatory attribute

List of Macros applicable to events relevant to:
• cut-off with error
• cut-off warning (about to expire)

CD_SystemNameName of the system on which the cut-off is applied (*)CutOffDef
CD_TypeCut-off type [PLANNED|DURATION] (*)CutOffDef
CI_PlannedExpectedStartISO8601 timestamp indicating the expected start timestamp for the actionCutOffInstance
CI_PlannedExpectedEndISO8601 timestamp indicating the expected end timestamp for the actionCutOffInstance
CI_StatusCut-off status [PENDING | WARNING | SUCCESS | ERROR] (*)CutOffInstance

(*) Mandatory attribute