What is Data One?

PRIMEUR Data One is a Data Integration platform that plans, manages and controls end-to-end data exchange from the moment it is produced to the moment it is consumed.

Within PRIMEUR Data One, data is integrated among producers and consumers in the appropriate format and at the appropriate moment without connecting each application point-to-point to all other applications. Are you wondering how this is possible? By decoupling applications. Each of them is free from ties to other applications and shares data only with the integration platform without even knowing when and how its data will be consumed.

Having a system where applications are decoupled has great added-value: when you no longer need an application, you can remove it without risking the entire system to collapse. Conversely, when you need a new application, you just have to add it to the system and Data One will integrate it with other applications, being them on-premise, on private or public cloud.

As simple as that.