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Designing Workflow Templates

In the figure below you can see the page where Workflow Templates are designed.


Let's divide this page in four sections:

  1. Toolbar


    This toolbar allows you to perform basic actions like saving, exporting a model or changing the view of the page. Hovering the mouse over an icon, a tooltip will appear describing the action associated to each icon.

    Most important icons:

    Save / Save All (if you have open multiple templates, you can save all of them in one go).
    Export template (in JSON format)

  2. Shape Repository Panel

    This panel contains all the service tasks available.

    To use them, simply drag and drop the single service task on the working area (described below).

    Primeur service tasks are described in the PRIMEUR Data One service tasks section.

  3. Working Area


    In the Working Area, you can operate on the template, moving, connecting or eliminating service tasks.

    You can also quickly create a new model clicking the button at the top.

    To connect 2 bricks, select the starting brick. Multiple icons will appear around the brick.

    Select the 2 arrows appearing in the bottom-right corner.

    Drag the mouse cursor towards the brick you want to connect. As soon as you start moving the mouse, the icons around the starting brick will disappear and will be replaced by a no-access sign plus an arrow.

    When reaching the brick, the no-access sign will become a check sign. Drop the mouse cursor and the 2 bricks will be connected by a black arrow.

  4. BPMN-Diagram

    Use this section to configure workflows:

    • Flow Template (use to edit):
      • Triggers: see here the list of Triggers types available.
      • Status:
        • enabled: The workflow is ready and can be associated with contracts.
        • disabled: The workflow is still a draft. It is saved as template but cannot be associated with any contract.
      Press UPDATE to save.
    • Variables: This menu lists the Variables initialized during the creation of the Contracts and that can be used as part of Service task property configuration.

      To declare a new variable, click the button:

      Type (*)Choose the type of the variable, this must be the same type as the one entered in the Service task property configuration.
      Name (*)Insert a name, this must be the same as the namevariable inserted in in the Service task property configuration.
      DescriptionInsert a description for the variable.
      Default ValueEnter the default value of the variable. If this value is different from the one that will be included in the contract, then this one will be overwritten.
      RequiredCheck this item if this variable is required to be configured.

      When you select a Service task in the working area, two additional configurations will appear:

      • Multi Instance:

        This configuration option indicates how non-atomic actions will be performed:

        NoneNo preference
        MI parallelExecution in parallel
        MI sequentialExecution is sequential
      • More:

        You can enter fixed or variable values with the following syntax ${namevariable}.


        The value namevalue in the More section must be the same as the Name property in the Variable section.