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Upload licence

Once Panorama is installed, the first crucial step is to upload the license. Without this, the system will not be fully operational.

After launching Panorama for the first time, a notification appears indicating either the absence of a valid license or that the current license has expired.

To proceed, click the UPLOAD button and navigate to the folder where your license file is stored. After selecting the license, the login window will appear. Use the default credentials - admin/admin - to log in.

Once inside Panorama, locate the Setup icon in the lower-left corner of the screen. Click it to access the configuration options. On the System page, you will need to configure the Data Watcher plugin. This step is essential, as the Data Watcher is responsible for capturing and displaying vital information regarding dataflows and transfers within Panorama. Properly configuring this plugin ensures that Panorama can monitor and visualize your network's activity effectively.