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Spazio Panel

This panel displays data about the flows and transfers that have occurred on Spazio nodes and have been downloaded to Panorama. Panorama combines the information of the infrastructure and the data from Data Watcher.

When configuring the Spazio panel - see the Plugins page - Offline or Live mode can be chosen. In Offline mode, the Spazio network infrastructure is downloaded to Panorama, eliminating the need for repeated downloads when accessing the Spazio page. In Live mode, the Spazio infrastructure is downloaded every time the Spazio page is accessed.

Spazio is depicted with a graphical visualization of the infrastructure, showing its local or remote nodes, Queue Managers, and queues.

See an example here below:

  • One local node and two remote nodes (they do not have active Queue Managers).
  • The Queue Managers of each node.
  • The queues connected with the Queue Manager.

The connections between nodes, Queue Managers, and queues have dashed green lines, indicating active communication channels.

Clicking on a node or a Queue Manager, information about total transfers is shown in a panel on the right.

When clicking the queue, detailed information about the occurred transfers is shown in the panel.

In the upper left corner, you can select the time period in the calendar. Moreover, you can apply filters and display statistics and queue limits.

  • Filters can be applied to see a specific remote node, Queue Manager, and/or queue.



Whatever filter you apply, the local node will be always displayed. So, if you enter a remote node name, Panorama will show the local node and the selected remote node. The same happens when filtering for Queue Manager name and/or queue name.

  • Statistics about operational efficiency are displayed below each box with a five-star rating system.
  • The queue limit shows the status of the queue relative to its limit at the time the infrastructure request was made to Spazio. If there is no limit, the infinity symbol appears.

Clicking on a local node, Queue Manager, or queue displays a specific panel on the right. Each panel provides a visual overview of the operational health and performance of the network, summarizing the status of nodes, Queue Manager, and queues.

Refer to the following sections for more information about Local or remote nodes, Queue Managers, and Queues.